Ascites: What It Is And How To Treat It

Ascites, or water belly, is a very uncomfortable problem for which there are several treatments. Today you will discover some of them and learn more about this disease. Check out!
Ascites: what it is and how to treat it

Depending on the cause that causes this disease, the appropriate treatment will be indicated. Check out the most common treatments.

Why does ascites occur?

ascites and cirrhosis

To determine the causes of ascites, we have to pay attention to the pressure in the blood vessels. If it is too high, called portal hypertension, there is a significant risk of developing ascites.

Furthermore, there are other factors that can influence its development. Some of them are binge drinking for many years or a long-term hepatitis B or C infection. The liver damage they cause can cause ascites to appear.

However, this risk is also present in people who suffer from some form of cancer. Next, we’ll see in which types of cancer ascites can develop as another symptom of the disease:

  • Mama.
  • Ovary and uterus.
  • Appendix.
  • Colon.
  • Pancreas.
  • Liver.

In all these cases, the risk of developing ascites is high. However, we will see how this can be resolved, as well as the effects of the accumulation of serous fluid in the area of ​​the abdomen.

How to treat ascites

Ascites can cause swelling in the abdomen, discomfort, and difficulty breathing. The latter is because the fluid can exert some pressure on the lungs, causing forced breathing.

There are several ways to deal with this problem. So today we’ll look at how each of the treatments is performed and how effective they can be.

Lifestyle changes

If the ascites is caused by excessive alcohol consumption, the doctor will recommend a drastic change in our habits. If we are not able to stop consumption immediately, we will have to do it progressively. In these cases, it may be good to join a support group.

In addition, your doctor may recommend that your salt intake be reduced to prevent portal hypertension. Likewise, the consumption of liquids should be moderated. Although you shouldn’t stop drinking water, you should do it often, but in small amounts.

Liquid extraction

Ascites causes swelling of the abdomen

Another way that ascites can be treated is by extracting the fluid. The problem is that it can reappear, so it is a one-off measure to alleviate the patient’s discomfort and discomfort.

In many cases, to drain the fluid every time it appears, it is customary to place a catheter at the extraction site and leave it there. This way, when necessary, it can be opened to allow the liquid to escape.


The doctor may also find it necessary to prescribe to the patient with ascites certain medications that will allow him to get some improvement. Some of them are the ones we’ll expose below:

  • Diuretics: allow you to eliminate excess fluid.
  • Antibiotics: help to deal with possible infections that may arise.

What doctors generally recommend, in addition to giving us the treatment that will work best for us, is to rest. Ascites is very irritating and will make us feel very uncomfortable, so rest can help.

However, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t move, as some exercise can help us avoid fluid retention and therefore improve ascites. However, one should always follow the recommendations given by the physician and not self-medicate.

Have you ever had ascites? Which treatment worked best for you? We hope that you have answered many questions and that you now know a lot more about this problem!

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