Avoid Stomach Problems

From changes in habits it is possible to avoid health problems in the stomach. Read more this article and get to know some tips.
Avoid stomach problems

Much of the Brazilian population has some type of stomach problem. This is because some people do not have good digestion and generate problems such as gastritis, ulcers and even reflux.

Another factor is found in eating habits, excessive consumption of soft drinks, meals at inappropriate times, an unbalanced diet, among several other factors.

What many people don’t know is that mainly with simple changes in eating habits, these problems can be alleviated.

When there is stomach inflammation, and gastritis is an example of this, some symptoms such as diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, headaches and vomiting are common. To try to reduce the incidence of these problems, keep small habits.



  • Avoid, whenever possible, foods that are very fatty and have high acidity, such as  coffee, oranges and chocolate.
  • Drink plenty of water, approximately two liters a day, outside mealtimes.
  • When eating, avoid drinking liquids, as this habit impairs digestion. Drink something either an hour before meals or two hours later.
  • And whenever you eat, chew your food well and slowly.
  • Another important piece of information is that certain foods are great for digestion and prevent stomach problems. Include them in your diet and live a little healthier.
Mineral water against mountain landscape
Drinking water is one of the simplest ways to preserve your stomach health. But remember to do it at the right times and not during meals!

Food good for the stomach

Potatoes and gelatin: are excellent, as they are able to prevent aggressions caused by other foods and act against the body’s inflammatory process.

Gelatin, in particular, is rich in amino acids that are important in the body’s regeneration and maintenance.

Gelatin is rich in amino acids that are important in the regeneration and maintenance of the body, therefore it is an effective food for the stomach.

Consume natural anti-inflammatory: olive oil, grapes and ginger are able to ease the discomfort caused by stomach problems.

Olive oil has an important fatty acid in its composition, which is omega 3, which acts directly on inflammatory processes.

Grapes have an antioxidant, resveratrol, while ginger is able to increase stomach acidity, facilitating digestion.

Regulate your stomach:  hydrochloric acid, when present in excess, damages the stomach, causing discomfort. To help control this acid, eat wholegrain breads and crackers.

The whole grain acts as a tranquilizer and the fibers are responsible for satiating our body. Zinc is also an important nutrient that takes care of the damage done to the stomach wall, in addition to balancing the level of acidity in liquids.

A great food rich in zinc is eggs. However, choose scrambled eggs that are much healthier.

By including these habits and foods in your diet, it will certainly be easier to avoid stomach problems, get rid of uncomfortable stomach pains and have a better quality of life.

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