Bad Mood And Chronic Apathy: The Covert Depression You Need To Know About

Even though we associate depression with sadness, sometimes we can also develop a chronic bad mood and apathy that, if they persist over time, can cause psychological disorders.
Bad Mood and Chronic Apathy: The Covert Depression You Need to Know

The moodiness and chronic apathy often mask, a disease that takes a long time to be diagnosed.

Long periods pass in which any word affects, and the day begins with malaise and no energy. You don’t have the heart and you lose the ability to see the positive side of things.

The most complex of these states is that, despite everything, functionality remains. It is possible to work, keep walking from here to there, talk and even pretend to “smile”.

However, it is known that there is something going on, but  until you receive the proper diagnosis, it is a very difficult time on a personal level.

This problem has a name: dysthymia, a disease you need to know about.

Bad mood and chronic apathy, a disease that can be hereditary

Everyone can experience the moodiness and apathy that surrounds and chokes in a few days. It’s normal, because negative emotions are part of life.

However, these mood states characterized by malaise are usually of low intensity and short-lived. Just change your air, stop giving importance to what is not worth it to, little by little, feel much better.

On the other hand, there are people who experience this malaise day after day, even for several years. When such a “perception” of malaise charged with negativity lasts between six months and two years, we are already facing depression.

We’ll talk about her.

Dysthymia, the most common mood disorder

We are facing a type of mild depression, but very common among people. According to the DSM-V (Diagnostic Manual for Mental Disorders), it is characterized by:

  • Lack of energy.
  • Feelings of negativity and apathy.
  • Days of insomnia and others of great drowsiness.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Sensation of despair, we no longer believe in the future.
  • Can’t concentrate.
  • Feeling that no one understands.

As we mentioned at the beginning, one of the characteristics of dysthymia is that you can live with it for many years without having a diagnosis.

The weight of genetics in dysthymia

An important fact to consider: dysthymia originates from an alteration in the brain’s neurochemistry.

  • In other words, there is no need to look for excuses for this discomfort. Often, the chemical fuel of a good mood is lacking because of a deficit in dopamine levels.
  • It is common for dysthymia to pass from parents to children. As children, we see our mothers or fathers sad or in a bad mood and it costs us a lot to understand what is going on. As we grow up into adolescence and early adulthood, we begin to experience the same thing.

The weight of genetics is there, as well as this small alteration in neurotransmitters. All of this should convince you of the need to follow proper medical treatment.

Controlling dysthymia on a daily basis

woman with depression

Although this disorder is “mild” depression, if not treated well, it  can result in severe depression.

Moodiness and apathy always have a source that must be addressed. If you realize that, almost without knowing how, everything affects you, and if you fall into a feeling of deep despondency in which everything loses its luster and interest, it’s time to ask for help.

The need for a diagnosis

Hearing that you have depression is always scary. However, there is nothing better than knowing our “enemy” to know his weaknesses and defeat him.

  • Diagnosis is accompanied, in turn, by medical treatment.
  • It is possible that, in the beginning, it does not offer the result we expect.
  • Therefore, health professionals will offer several treatments that, in the end, will adjust to your needs.

Find the “vital fuel” that allows you to move forward

Pharmacological treatment must always be accompanied by appropriate therapy, in which we are able to permanently emerge from the armor that has created a “crust” on our brain.

  • Search for new dreams for your everyday life. Sometimes it’s not enough to make a small change, there are vital moments when we need to turn the page.
  • Family support is essential. However, keep in mind that there are people who, far from understanding depression, think we feel this way because we are weak.

Choose well who you want to have on your side.

Woman in water dealing with depression.

Depression, more than being cured, is being OVERCOME.

We are not facing a cold in which it is enough for our defenses to fight and defeat the virus. A depression requires personal strength, courage, good treatment and this desire that emerges from within us.

Finally, always pay attention to your emotions. If you find that bad moods and apathy form daily walls that take away your energy and well-being, seek help.

Anyway, you deserve to feel better and you can do it.

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