Benefits Of Eating A Pear A Day

Pears are very sweet fruits with a high water content, which makes them refreshing. In addition, their mild flavor allows them to be used in sweet and savory dishes, such as salads and sausages.
Benefits of eating a pear a day

Similar to apples, you can also eat pears daily, which will bring many benefits to your health. That’s because it helps regulate blood sugar levels and contributes to weight loss.

Want to know more? So stay with us!

Advantages of eating pear

Pear is one of the fruits that can be consumed at any time of the year, being present in almost all homes. But the harvest month in Brazil is January, when the prices of the national pear are more accessible.

It is possible to get more of its nutritional benefits by consuming it raw and in the skin. Prefer fresh and ripe pears. Those that have been harvested too soon tend to have a grainy pulp.


Pear nutritional benefits

In addition to being tasty, this fruit is rich in vitamin C, iron and vitamin K. In addition, its skin is rich in flavonoids and phenolic acid.

Pears are also good for those who want to keep their body hydrated as they are rich in water. Equally, it  prevents fluid retention and, due to its high fiber content, it also satisfies hunger, being an ally of diets.

As it does not contain fat or many calories, and because its sugars are simple, easy to be absorbed by the body, it is advisable to eat pears before or after the practice of physical exercises. In addition, its fibers also favor intestinal regulation.

Anyone can eat pears, from babies to the elderly. In addition, its consumption is advised for those who suffer from:

  • Heart diseases
  • Hypertension
  • Anemia
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • High cholesterol
  • Constipation
  • Stomach diseases (ulcers and gastritis)
  • Diarrhea
  • Goiter

What are the benefits of eating a pear a day?

Benefits of eating pear

Now that you know the beneficial properties of this fruit, discover the advantages of consuming it every day:

Fight free radicals

Free radicals damage cells and accelerate their aging. The antioxidant properties of pear protect the body and prevent premature aging.

Decreases the risk of cancer

The accumulation of bile acids (a substance produced in the liver that helps to break down fats) in the intestine increases the risk of colorectal cancer and various other intestinal problems. The fiber present in pears protects the health of the colon walls and thus prevents these health problems.

In addition, the pear’s nutrients also contribute to the protection of the esophagus and stomach cells, as will be explained below.

prevents diabetes

The phenol compounds present, above all, in the peel of pears are beneficial to prevent type 2 diabetes. American universities published an article on the consumption of fruits, including pears, stating that they help to control blood glucose levels.

Eating pears can also help reduce drug dependency in the pre-diabetes stage and can also complement the action of drugs in the onset of type 2 diabetes.

protect the stomach

Consuming one pear a day gives the body 20% of the recommended daily amount of fiber. Fiber acts as a natural lubricant for the intestines and helps the person to evacuate more quickly, preventing constipation.

In addition, the pear stimulates the production of gastric juices and protects the stomach against infections by the H. pylori bacteria . This bacteria can lead to the formation of ulcers and even stomach cancer.

pear protects the stomach

lowers blood pressure

Pear has a good amount of potassium, which has many heart health benefits (potassium is a very effective vasodilator).

In addition to lowering blood pressure, it reduces tension in the veins and prevents the formation of clots that can damage or affect the cardiovascular system.

In addition, it increases blood flow to all parts of the body, helping to oxygenate organs and reduce the risk of cardiovascular and heart disease.

Pear juice lowers blood pressure

Other benefits of pears

As if all the above benefits were not enough, there are still more properties that the pear brings to your health. For example:

  • Because it contains pectin, it reduces cholesterol levels.
  • It improves the immune system and helps prevent disease.
  • It helps the body retain calcium from the bones, preventing osteoporosis or complementing your treatment.
  • It has folic acid, which prevents fetal illnesses during pregnancy.
  • Prevents cramps, also because of potassium.
  • Home masks made from pear are good for the skin and hair.
  • Pear is a purifying food that helps you lose weight.

How to choose the best pears?

Finally, we explain how to choose the tastiest pears on the market:

  • First, choose the ones that are firmer, with soft skin and no damage.
  • Avoid fruits with very soft spots or a dark color.
  • Don’t buy pears with cuts or holes.
  • Pears can be refrigerated for a few days, but it is best to eat them fresh.
  • Finally, press the top of the fruit (next to the stalk). If the pulp is firm but soft, it is at the ideal point for consumption.

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