Black Onion: Nutritional Properties And Health Benefits

Black onion is a food with numerous beneficial properties for the body. We’ll talk about them so you can start adding them to your recipes.
Black onion: nutritional properties and health benefits

Black onion is obtained by turning the common onion into a brown product with a caramel-like flavor. This process is carried out in dehydration chambers under specific conditions of temperature and humidity.

During this process, the acidity of the original onion and its strong smell are eliminated. The product gains a caramel aroma that makes it much more attractive to the consumer. The compounds of the common onion are also modified.

Its components become more bioavailable, with better absorption and an increase in its positive effect on human health. Black onion contains 21 amino acids, some of them with analgesic properties. In addition, it has a large amount of antioxidants, such as flavonoids, which improve cardiovascular function.

Black onion: an innovative food

This food was first obtained in 2016 and cannot be found in nature. It is classified as a gourmet product , and ecological varieties that avoid artificial additives should be chosen.

It can be used as an ingredient in several recipes, providing sweetness, color and aroma. However, it is also a product suitable for eating alone, as its flavor has nothing to do with white onion.

black onion

Black onion: rich in minerals and vitamins

Black onions contain minerals such as calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, phosphorus and potassium. Furthermore, it provides vitamins A, B, C and E. It should be remembered that vitamin C has been shown to improve the functioning of the immune system, which makes it possible to combat transmissible respiratory diseases.

Likewise, there is enough evidence to say that calcium intake is able to reduce the risk of osteoporosis in adulthood. This pathology is more common in women and increases the incidence of bone fractures, which affects quality of life.

Therefore, this is  a product with similar characteristics to black garlic in terms of micronutrients. However, it has the caveat that its use is much more versatile, which improves its consumption.

Importance of Antioxidant Consumption

Antioxidants are the substances responsible for preventing DNA degradation and fighting the formation of free radicals, according to a study published in  Food and Chemical Toxicology. It is important to ensure their daily intake to combat aging  and ensure the proper functioning of the body.

Black onion is a great source of antioxidants, greater than many individual fruits and vegetables. Therefore, the inclusion of this product in the usual diet, along with others rich in these types of compounds, such as blueberry, remarkably improves the quality of the diet.

Importance of Antioxidant Consumption

An interesting food to combine with spices

At a gastronomic level, it may be a good idea to combine black onion with different types of spices to improve the aromas, flavors and quality of the dishes. In addition, spices are often rich in antioxidant compounds, which enhances the beneficial effects of onions.

The combination possibilities of this product are still not very explored because it is a newly created food. However, it won’t be long before combinations of ingredients are found to enrich the dishes from an organoleptic and nutritional point of view.

Not everything that shines is gold

Despite the promising characteristics of this product, the truth is that it is still available in very few supermarkets. Furthermore, it is much more expensive than traditional onions, and the varieties offered are not always organic.

You can usually find black onions in gourmet establishments or large specialty stores. Many recipes can be made with this ingredient, such as pizza dough, for example.

Black onion, an atypical product

Black onion is a newly created product that has been gaining space in gastronomic culture thanks to its interesting organoleptic properties. Furthermore, it is a more interesting food than the original if we take into account its nutritional quality.

Provides a large amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. It has the advantage of being able to be eaten cooked or raw, thus increasing its versatility.

At the moment, this is a product that does not reach every home due to its low availability. However, it is expected that in the coming years it will become increasingly popular.

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