Cholesterol: 5 Wonderful Fruits To Balance You

In addition to maintaining a balanced diet, including these fruits in our daily lives can be very useful to improve our health and, above all, to regulate cholesterol.
Cholesterol: 5 wonderful fruits to balance you

Cholesterol is a substance produced by the liver, essential for our health. An adequate level of it is synonymous with well-being. With that in mind, today we will talk about 5 fruits to balance cholesterol.

This is an important fact, as  there are still people who relate the word “cholesterol” to something harmful and dangerous.

The key is in your balance and, above all, in keeping your bad cholesterol, or LDL, from rising.

In that case, this substance will start to accumulate in our arteries to harm, little by little, our health.

Still, another fact that we must remember is that if our body already elaborates the necessary cholesterol by itself. Obtaining it from food sources also poses a danger.

Being over 40, being overweight, and having a genetic background associated with hypercholesterolemia means that we have to take care of our diet.

Today, we have a proposal for you.  Improve your lifestyle habits, avoid sedentary lifestyle and add a touch of color to your diet with these fruits.

Thus, you will be able to balance your cholesterol.

1. Avocado, much more than a tasty fruit

Is it true that avocados help us balance our cholesterol? In fact, just consume half avocado a day and combine it with a varied and healthy diet. The result will be visible in just over a month.

  • Avocados are a very healthy source of monounsaturated fats for the heart.
  • This fat converts to energy, lowers lipid levels in our body and regulates blood sugar.
  • Another important fact that we must know is related to niacin. Niacin or Vitamin B3 helps us balance our body’s cholesterol level.
  • Avocados, as well as asparagus, green beans, broccoli, potatoes, mushrooms, artichokes and beans, also help us to achieve this thanks to this vitamin.

2. Grapefruit, a fabulous acidity point to balance cholesterol

If you can get grapefruits, take the opportunity. The reason? Few fruits are as good at lowering bad cholesterol.

  • However, it is important to know that it will only be effective if its consumption becomes habitual. It is necessary to eat half a grapefruit a day for breakfast. Prioritize organically grown fruits.
  • According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , people with high cholesterol who did not respond to medication were able to lower their cholesterol levels thanks to grapefruit.
  • Its  antioxidant properties  are consistent with a better quality of life due to its protective effects on the heart.

3. Natural orange juice for your good cholesterol

To understand the importance of oranges in our cholesterol, we have to talk first about sterols.

  • I’m sure you’ve heard of them. Sterols have a structure very similar to cholesterol. They are a compound found naturally in certain fruits, such as oranges, some vegetables, oilseeds, seeds and vegetable oils.
  • What sterols do is lower total cholesterol and LDL. While it’s true that orange juice gives us a very small amount of sterols, it raises the level of good cholesterol.

That way, if we get used to taking it every day, the results will be noticed in our next test.

4. Strawberries, a healthy temptation

Strawberries are healthy and suitable to balance our cholesterol levels as long as they are eaten natural. That is, no adding sugar or chocolate.

  • Strawberries, like blueberries and berries, reduce low-density lipoproteins (LDL or bad cholesterol).
  • If we manage to eat between 10 or 15 strawberries daily, triglycerides will also be reduced, thanks to its antioxidant action in our bloodstream.

Increasing your consumption of red fruits (such as cherries, raspberries, strawberries or purple grapes) will do your heart health very good.

5. An apple a day to lower your cholesterol level

An apple and oatmeal for breakfast, a green apple salad with celery and walnuts at midday, or a delicious fresh juice in the afternoon.

There are many ways to include a daily apple in our diet. Do it however you like, but above all, be constant. The apple has pectin and polyphenols in its peel.

Thanks to them, we were able to improve cholesterol metabolism and reduce the inflammatory molecules that appear with heart disease.

In conclusion, we know that these fruits alone will not be enough to lower cholesterol  if we don’t also take care of our diet. It is necessary to be constant and make small daily efforts.

Something as simple as adding color to our salads, including some fruit. Always carrying an apple in your bag when hunger strikes can work miracles for your health.

Are we starting today?


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