Cleansing Diet To Reduce Waistline

Although it is not recommended to go overboard at any time, if the goal is to reduce the waist, it is essential to pay attention to dinner, which should be light.
Purifying diet to reduce the waist

Reducing the waist is one of the goals of those who want to improve both their silhouette and their health.

The accumulation of fat in the belly region is common, both in obese and thin people, which causes great frustration when diets do not give the desired result.

Discover in this article a 15-day cleansing diet to reduce the waist and detoxify the body in a healthy and balanced way.

Diet Keys to Reduce Waistline

For this diet to be effective and can reduce the waist in 15 days, take into account some basic keys.

Soon after this time, if you manage to incorporate these good habits, you will be able to continue to progressively lose abdominal fat and even avoid getting fat, without sacrifices.

1. Healthy fats

healthy fats

Not all fats are the same. In fact, healthy fats are essential for good health and for activating the metabolism, which is in charge of helping to burn calories.

Therefore, if you choose harmful fats, such as cakes, fried foods, margarines or sausages, you will gain weight easily and contribute to the accumulation of fat around the waist.

Thus, the fats you should consume are as follows:

  • Coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil
  • Avocado
  • Oilseeds and raw and unsalted seeds
  • Ghee or clarified butter
  • Egg yolk
  • blue fish

2. Good quality protein

Consuming protein helps to shrink the waistline. Therefore, in recent years, protein diets have come into fashion, which, however, have some disadvantages.

Animal protein cannot be abused as it can affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Therefore, consume this protein in moderation, prioritizing the consumption of eggs and fish. In addition, choose to increase vegetable protein through the consumption of:

  • Legumes
  • Oilseeds and seeds
  • mushrooms
  • Algae
  • Avocado

3. Cut down on refined carbohydrates

refined carbohydrates

Nowadays we abuse refined carbohydrates with dishes like pasta, pizza, cakes, breads, etc.

In short, these processed, fiber-free foods cause bloating, constipation and overweight; as well as making it difficult to reduce waist measurements.

Therefore, reduce your consumption and choose, whenever possible, whole grains and flours and different cereals (spelled, rye, khorasan wheat, etc.).

4. Eliminate sugar and alcohol

The two main impediments to shrinking the waistline are sugar and alcohol, as well as all types of soft drinks.

If you eliminate them from the diet, you may notice a great improvement without making new changes, especially in the case of people who consume them daily.

5. Increase the amount of vegetables

In any balanced and depurative diet, the consumption of vegetables, both raw, in salads and cooked, cannot be lacking.

In addition, you should consume fruit, but not overdo it, as some contain a lot of fructose, which could also make weight loss difficult.

6. Regulate hormones

regulate-the-hormones-peruvian macaque

Hormones can, in some cases, be the cause of the accumulation of fat in the waist.

If you suspect that you have a hormonal imbalance (painful menstruation, menopause, etc.), you can incorporate a regulatory supplement, such as maca, into your diet.

Maca is a root of Andean origin that not only regulates hormones, both in men and women, but also provides energy, improves hair and skin health and improves libido in a natural way.

Reduce waistline in 15 days


Some healthy breakfast proposals:

  • Green juice from fresh vegetables, fruits, maca and extra virgin coconut oil.
  • Oats cooked with vegetable milk, cinnamon and dried fruit.
  • Wholegrain toast with ghee and low sugar jam.
  • A serving of avocado.


Each meal should have three portions:

  • A serving of salad, with seeds and sprouts.
  • A serving of carbohydrates: wholegrain bread, wholegrain noodles, potatoes, quinoa, brown rice, etc.
  • A serving of protein: meat, fish, egg and pulses.


Dinner should always be lighter, since if you eat a lot or forget about your diet, you will gain weight more easily.

Therefore, we recommend that the dinner is formed by:

  • Steamed vegetables, cream, soup or soup.
  • Easily digestible protein: white fish, poultry, egg or avocado.
  • A piece of fruit such as apple, pear, pineapple or papaya.

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