Cucumber Water Benefits And Recipe For Fluid Retention

Cucumber water is an interesting remedy to combat fluid retention. Not only is it delicious and refreshing, it also provides numerous nutrients. Want to know more? We’ll detail all your benefits below!
Benefits and recipe of cucumber water for fluid retention

If you often suffer from fluid retention, you will be pleased to know that there are some natural remedies that can help fight it, such as cucumber water.

Fluid retention is defined as an inflammatory disorder that occurs when the body cannot eliminate fluids properly. These end up accumulating in the tissues and causing swelling.

Inflammation caused by fluid retention is most common in the feet or legs. However, it can also occur in any other part of the body. As a result, we may notice an increase in weight, although this is temporary.

Cucumber proved to be a vegetable capable of contributing to the alleviation of this problem. Despite this, by itself, it is not able to eliminate fluid retention. Diet and lifestyle adjustments need to be made for long-term effects. It is always advisable to consult a doctor.

liquid retention

Fluid retention in the legs
Fluid retention usually presents with swelling of the lower extremities; in addition, it can cause changes in urination.

An adult’s body is made up mostly of water. This substance makes up between 50% and 60% of the body and is distributed inside and outside cells. The body has several mechanisms to regulate its amount of fluids.

When these mechanisms fail, an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the tissues occurs. This can only occur in a specific area or all over the body. Most of the time, there is swelling in the legs and ankles. There may also be increased abdominal contour and decreased urination.

Fluid retention can be pathological or non-pathological. In the first case, it occurs due to circulatory problems, kidney and liver diseases or heart failure. In the second case, it is due to a dilation of the veins due to the effect of the heat from the environment.

Cucumber properties

Cucumber is a natural diuretic and a very rich source of water and potassium. It has excellent cleaning properties and also acts as a laxative. That’s why it helps to eliminate inflammation of the feet, ankles and hands caused by fluid retention.

This wonderful vegetable is also very rich in mineral salts. In addition to a high concentration of potassium, it also contains iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Likewise, it concentrates significant amounts of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, helps fight free radicals and prevents aging.

To top it off, cucumber also contains an important enzyme called erepsin, which helps make better use of proteins. Also, it is a low calorie food, which is why it is generally recommended in all diets.

Cucumber water for fluid retention

cucumber water
Due to its diuretic effect, cucumber is one of the best allies to combat fluid retention. Furthermore, it provides an “extra” supply of nutrients for the body.

Cucumber water is ideal for combating fluid retention. It is especially suitable for people who do not like mineral water. Cucumber provides a mild flavor in addition to some important nutrients. This drink turns out to be a good substitute for soft drinks or other nutrient-poor drinks.

Instructions for preparing it

  • You just need to take two medium cucumbers and cut them into slices, with the skin and seeds.
  • Then put them in a jar with a quart of water.
  • Let it sit for about three hours and then drink whenever you feel thirsty. Ideally, you should take two liters a day if you have fluid retention.
  • If you want to add a little more flavor, add the juice of a medium lemon and a tablespoon of grated ginger.
  • Let the mixture sit for three hours in the refrigerator. Then strain and drink throughout the day.

Other data on cucumber water to treat fluid retention

Cucumber, in all its presentations, acts as a diuretic. Cucumber water is one of the most pleasant and easiest ways to drink it, but not the only one. You can also eat it in a nice salad with yogurt and garlic. These two elements increase its antioxidant action.

If you’re one of those people who likes to nibble here and there all day, you can make great cucumber sandwiches. Combine it with tomatoes and white cheese. Put it in the oven for a minute and you’ll have an excellent meal. Lastly, if you like the taste, you can also eat the slices raw.

However, to remedy fluid retention, it is important to make changes to your diet and lifestyle. However, in all cases , it is always advisable to consult a doctor. This problem could be a sign of something more serious.

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