Curiosities For Sleeping Better Than You Can Imagine

It is not always necessary to use medicines or natural products to sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep, try some of the tricks we’ll teach you. You will be amazed by the results!

Not taking stimulants, taking relaxing infusions, and not sleeping too late are some of the most common advice we hear to avoid insomnia. However, in this article we are going to explain some fun facts to sleep better that will surely surprise you.

Discover how to  combat insomnia in curious ways, such  as holding certain postures, using a candle, or giving your feet a bath.

Curiosities to sleep better without taking medication

Many people are used to taking sleeping pills.  In some cases they are conventional medicines and in others natural remedies. This is a difficult habit to break, as the person fears suffering again from the terrible insomnia.

Today everyone knows the serious consequences of not getting enough rest and not getting really restful sleep.

In this article we’ll assume there are products that help us sleep better and we’ll focus on some amazing tricks you’ll want to try right away.

an inverted position


Gravity is something that we always carry on top of us and whose weight should also be balanced occasionally, such as before going to sleep. Inverted posturesthose in which the head is below the height of the feet, have relaxing and rejuvenating effects.

Currently special machines are sold to keep your head down for as long as you want. However, the Yoga  also teaches us to perform these postures.

We can support ourselves by doing a handstand for a few seconds or support our body weight on the back and arms, as shown in the image.

relaxation with a candle

Most of the time we can’t sleep because we bring the worries of the day to bed with us. It is essential to blank your mind to avoid insomnia  and for hours of sleep to be restorative.

To achieve this you have the second of our bedtime curiosities: a simple relaxation practice with a candle. We will be staying  in a silent, dark room in front of a lighted candle.

We stared at her, taking in  every detail, not thinking about anything, no tension in her face for a few minutes. Then we close our eyes and continue imagining and remembering its details.

We’re going to do this just before bed.

Lavender on pillow


Lavender is a medicinal plant with excellent calming properties that can benefit us every night. We only have to apply a  few drops of lavender essential oil to the side of our bed.  We can do this on a handkerchief, on a pillow or on a towel.

foot bath

Any relaxing therapy we do for our feet will immediately affect our entire body. As we cannot always count on someone to give us a foot massage, an alternative that is also very relaxing and effective is a hot foot bath.

  • For this we need hot water, as much as we can stand, to which we can add sea salt, sodium bicarbonate or magnesium sulfate. These three products have very relaxing properties.
  • We’ll introduce the feet and stay that way for 20 or 30 minutes. It is very convenient to have hot water on the side to add it if the water for your feet gets cold.
  • In the end we will dry and shelter our feet well.

clay in the belly


Did you know that  the digestive system is a major emotional receptor  that suffers from everyday stresses? Although you often do this silently, you may be building up a lot of tension, so a night’s rest becomes difficult.

If this may be the case, we  recommend that you apply a layer of   green or red clay to the belly area every night.

You should cover yourself with a towel to stay warm and let the clay work for half an hour or overnight. You will see how relaxed you will be in a very short time. This technique is also very beneficial for the bowel.

total darkness

There is no complete rest if we do not have complete darkness in the room. A small light can fundamentally interfere with our sleep.

The last of our bedtime curiosities is to disconnect all electronic devices and not allow any outside light. You will see the amazing result of this little change.

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