Diet To Improve The State Of Bones And Joints

Sparkling beverages and processed foods that are high in fat stimulate the loss of calcium in bones and teeth.
Diet to improve the state of bones and joints

At the end of the day, do you feel pain in your bones and joints ? Do your knees hurt when climbing stairs? Is this discomfort more intense when it’s cold or at night? So you already know that your problem is the same one suffered by about 20% of the population. Arthritis, wear and tear, or even osteoporosis.

What can we do? First, we need to understand that joint problems are not easily resolved. We must change some of our habits and be persistent in the plan we will present below. With these tips and proper medical treatment, you will get a better quality of life.

To improve the condition of our bones and joints, we must follow two very concrete plans:

  • A cleansing diet: we will  start our home treatment by eliminating the toxins that degrade our cells, which make tissues sick and weaken our systems until they age. This accumulation of harmful elements weakens, for example, cartilage, and also causes loss of bone mass. We know that carbonated drinks and high-fat foods cause the loss of calcium, which is essential for strengthening our bones and teeth. So, the first step will be to start a cleansing diet.
  • A reconstructive diet:  what is the purpose of following a reconstructive diet? Obtain essential nutrients and enzymes that make it possible to rebuild cartilage and promote cell regeneration. Toxin-free tissues, rich in adequate minerals and vitamins, will make it possible to keep your joints stronger and firmer.

It would be very fitting for us to follow this cleansing diet in the mornings. You will eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals, ideal to start the day. They are delicious, healthy and, above all, very useful to eliminate toxins, prevent water retention and fight constipation. Take note!

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juices for breakfast

Breakfast suggestions

  • On an empty stomach, we will start the day with a glass of warm water with lemon. There is also another wonderful remedy to cleanse and improve liver functions. What it is? Spoon olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice. Throughout the week you can alternate the two options.
  • A plate with 15 grapes and two pineapple slices
  • Green tea
  • Boldo tea
  • A bowl of strawberries with kiwi fruit
  • Peach juice
  • Almond Milk
  • Nopal (cactus) juice with orange juice: This combination is as healthy as it is wonderful. It will allow us to obtain numerous nutrients and purify our bodies at the same time. How should we prepare it? Very easy. We will need a medium sized nopal leaf. First we will boil it in 200 ml of hot water, until it is very soft. Afterwards we will get the juice of two oranges and mix them in a blender together with the nopal and the water we used to cook. We should get a very homogeneous juice. If the flavor is too strong, you can add a little honey.
  • A glass of oatmeal with a green apple

Proposals for your lunch

  • steamed broccoli
  • carrots with brown rice
  • Eggplant in the oven
  • Wholegrain bread sandwich with avocado, mustard and tomato
  • Coleslaw salad with cucumber, pineapple, spinach and pumpkin seeds
  • Beetroot juice with apple and a garlic omelet
  • Lettuce salad, pineapple, raw broccoli in very small pieces, avocado and almonds

Also read: Delicious green apple and celery salad


 The reconstructive diet can be followed at dinner or lunch. The purpose is simple: we will regenerate cartilage and nourish the body through essential foods, with which we will be able to strengthen bones and joints. We’ll explain how to do this below:

  • lentils
  • Baked cod with tomato
  • Chickpea
  • Carrot soup
  • Chicken breast with lemon
  • Gratin eggs
  • Tomatoes stuffed with turkey breast
  • Wholegrain rye bread with a garlic or onion omelet
  • Baked salmon with lemon and pepper sauce
  • Sardine
  • Gelatin (gelatin is wonderful for regenerating cartilage)

To conclude, we want to remember that, just as we need to improve our diet by including cleansing and nutritious foods, it is also essential that you improve your lifestyle habits. Avoid fizzy drinks, industrialized and pre-cooked food. Try to drink more fluid throughout the day and increase your intake of fruits rich in vitamin C.

Exercise should be moderate. If you have problems with your bones and joints, there are situations where very strenuous exercise can cause more problems than benefits, so it’s best to do simple activities. Going for a walk in the morning or swimming three times a week is undoubtedly the most suitable in these cases.

Also be careful with all the medications you usually take to relieve your joint pain. Anti-inflammatories tend to be very harmful to the health of the liver, so try to combine them with natural remedies. Ginger tea always gives a good result and can be a great choice. Follow these advices and improve your quality of life with them, starting today.

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