Drinks That Make You Fat: Check Out What They Are

Commercial soft drinks and beverages containing milk are potential enemies of a healthy diet. Although they sometimes seem “harmless”, their high sugar and calorie content makes no attempt to lose weight.
Drinks that make you fat: check out what they are

When it comes to dieting, we look at the calories and nutritional composition of foods. However,  sometimes we ignore the fattening drinks. Although the relationship with being overweight seems obvious, we don’t always give it its due importance.

Therefore, as eating habits seem healthy, we find an obstacle to the desire to lose weight. Also, since almost all beverages are a source of added sugars and compounds, they  are often the trigger for problems such as diabetes.

So, if we are to adopt a plan to lose weight, or worry about weight, it is essential to identify what the sources of ‘liquid calories’ are. In this way,  you can minimize your intake as much as possible by opting  for healthy options such as water or infusions. Read on to learn more!

Sugary fruit juices

Drinks that make you fat with sugar

Sugary fruit juices are fattening drinks because they contain too much sugar and too little fiber. Although at first glance they seem “healthy”,  their manufacturing process significantly reduces the properties of the fruits.

However, making juices at home is not harmful and has its advantages. When coming from fresh fruit, they retain their vitamins and minerals, and can be left free of harmful sugars. In fact, when you make your own juices, you make the most of your natural fiber.

Energetic drinks

For many, they represent a “fuel” in these moments of physical and mental fatigue. But due to their stimulant components and sugars, they are on the list of fattening drinks. Also, taking them  in excess can affect your nervous and cardiovascular health.

Each can or bottle of these drinks contains about 225 calories. Also, they concentrate caffeine and add chemicals that aren’t entirely good. With that clear, it’s best to opt for natural coffee or home-made energizing juices.

Soft drinks

Drinks that make you fat with gas

Commercial soft drinks are “enemies” of a healthy diet. Since they are a calorie bomb, they  have negative effects on body weight and health,  especially when taken regularly.

This is largely due to its content of fructose and corn syrup, two ingredients that alter metabolism and lead to obesity. In addition, they  also have stimulants and sodium, which produce fluid retention and inflammation.

It is estimated that consuming a can of soda is equivalent to eating between three and four sachets of sugar. In turn, this involves consuming up to 130 extra calories. The worst options are cola flavors, as they contain substances that demineralize bones.

Smoothies or milkshakes

In the market, there are many presentations of milkshakes and fruit shakes that promise a healthy diet. However,  behind all this advertising, there are fattening and health-damaging beverages.

Milk is a food with many benefits for those who are not lactose intolerant. However, when processed into these products, it loses its nutritional value and  is accompanied by large amounts of sugars and artificial flavors. Therefore, even those who claim to be “fat free”  have a negative impact on your weight.

Alcoholic beverages

Drinks that make you fat and contain alcohol

For obvious reasons, almost everyone should know that alcoholic beverages are harmful to the body. But it is important to make a special mention, as  many people are unaware that they are also responsible for weight gain.

While a cup or two doesn’t cause significant harm, excessive drinking puts a strain on the liver and diminishes its ability to digest fat. In turn, they increase the risk of fatty liver and metabolic imbalances.

Now, drinking a beer or a glass of red wine can be beneficial because of its antioxidant contributions. For that reason, it’s better to choose them over cocktails that mix multiple drinks and sweet additions at the same time.

Light ‘ soft drinks are fattening drinks

Without a doubt, one of the most harmful and fattening beverages is the popular light soda  . It’s not that they contain more sugars or chemical additions than other commercial options:  the problem is that they misrepresent consumers  because they make them think they’re healthy.

But far from being good for the diet, these liquids continue to provide lots of harmful calories and sugars. Its difference compared to common presentations is that they have a smaller amount. However,  taking them regularly is just as or more harmful than any of them.

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