Eggplant Puree: A Delicious And Different Way To Consume It

Eggplant puree admits as many ingredients as we want to add, as long as we respect the main flavor and combine the flavors properly.

We will show below a recipe for preparing an eggplant puree. This is a delicious and different way to consume it and take advantage of its properties . It is an easy dish to prepare, ideal for people who always have little time to eat.

Arabic-style eggplant puree

Incorporating eggplants into your regular diet is one way to get more essential nutrients. Although not as popular as other vegetables, eggplant is a food that has vitamins, phenolic compounds and antioxidants, as you can see in this publication of the magazine Food Chemistry.

Thanks to this, it is one of the ingredients that promote health in many aspects. The best part is that it’s easy to make and its flavor blends well with other foods. To prepare this delicious Middle Eastern cuisine dish, we’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 3 eggplants
  • ½ teaspoon of cumin (2 g)
  • ½ cup of tahini (120 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of lemon juice (45 ml)
  • ½ tsp red pepper (2 g)
  • Olive oil
  • salt

Method of preparation

  • The first step in preparing this recipe will be to properly wash the eggplants and chop them.
  • Once cut, add with the cumin, salt, garlic cloves and tahini. This sesame seed paste is used very often in dishes in the Arab world, and it has a delicious taste and texture.
  • Then, pressing the slices, we can extract all the juice they contain as a product of cooking. That way we can avoid that after bringing a slightly bitter touch to the puree.
  • Then put them to cook in a pot with enough water  and a touch of salt. If you don’t have time to boil them, you can lightly bake them until the skin turns black.
  • As you stir to mix all the elements well, add olive oil little by little.
  • Finally, add the pepper and the lemon juice spoons, mixing everything well.
  • Once the eggplant rings are soft, beat them in the food processor. If you’ve baked them, you’ll have to peel them off before then.
  • When the entire mixture has a homogeneous texture, the dish is almost ready. All that remains is to season it a little more, if necessary,  and then we can serve it in plates or bowls.

Eggplant puree with potatoes

eggplant puree

As a variant of the previous recipe, we show a method to integrate potatoes into eggplant puree. In this way, we will be able to achieve new textures and flavors. Furthermore, as this study published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition highlights , potatoes are particularly rich in vitamin C, several B vitamins and potassium.


  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 eggplant
  • 8 pods
  • 1 onion
  • ¼ cup of curd (60 ml)
  • Olive oil
  • salt
  • ½ spoon of red pepper (2 g)

Method of preparation

  • To start this recipe, properly peel and clean the potatoes and green beans, put them to cook in a pot with enough water and a little salt. If we wash the potatoes and beans before peeling them, we can reserve the skins to make a broth and prepare some other delicious dish.
  • Meanwhile, peel the eggplant and cut it into slices. Preheat the oven to 190ºC and place the eggplant slices on a tray with parchment paper. Season them with salt and pepper and, once seasoned, place them in the oven for 25 minutes.
  • Once the potatoes and green beans are done, remove them from the pan and chop them up.
  • Separately, peel and cut the onion into very small cubes. In a skillet with a little olive oil, saute the onion pieces and remove them from the heat just before they start to brown. 
  • Remove the eggplants from the oven after the cooking time is over, and place them together with the potatoes, green beans and onion pieces – with their corresponding oil – in a food processor or blender.
  • At this point, add the curd and half a glass of water for a better texture. In order not to lose flavor, it is recommended that this water be part of the water in which we cook the potatoes.
  • Finally, beat the entire mixture until it has a uniform texture and no lumps.

Finishing the dish and decoration

Mashed potatoes

Once ready, we can serve this delicious puree in deep dishes or bowls. To decorate it, we can use parsley or spread some raw or lightly roasted sesame seeds.

If you like toast, we can prepare some in a skillet with a little oil or in the oven, and mix them with the puree to add an interesting touch to the dish. After tasting it, you will see that it is a delicious dish and very easy to prepare. What are you waiting to taste?

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