Epigastric Pain: That Nagging Pain In The Pit Of The Stomach

Epigastric pain may be warning us of other adjacent complications, so in no case should we overlook any ongoing discomfort in the abdomen and navel region.
Epigastric pain: that uncomfortable pain in the pit of the stomach
Epigastric pain is not a common stomach ache, as  this condition reaches multiple areas of the abdomen region.

Patients who experience this type of digestive pathology show a disease that is located in the epigastrium, in the upper abdomen, according to this study carried out by the University Hospital of Guadalajara (Mexico).

The person feels as if a rope oppresses the entire abdomen, a burning that culminates in nausea and a great malaise.

The suffering is so intense that it is common for the person to get scared and go to the emergency room, not knowing what is happening.

Now, although in a great part of the cases it is related to a simple indigestion,  epigastric pain can be associated, as we said, to another series of disorders or diseases that require a good diagnosis.

Below, we propose you to learn more about this subject.

What is epigastric pain?

stomach with epigastric pain

Epigastric pain is basically pain located in the epigastrium, a region that runs from the upper abdomen to the navel.

As we already know, multiple organs and structures are concentrated in this region, and that is why it is difficult to know at first what causes this suffering.

On the other hand, the patient may suffer from this discomfort continuously on a daily basis or it may appear suddenly. The symptoms would be as follows:

  • Severe pain in the epigastrium;
  • Nausea, as indicated by this research carried out by Clínica Las Condes (Chile).
  • Burning stomach;
  • Cramps in the abdomen;
  • Cold sweats;
  • Gases, according to this study from the Virgin Health Hospital of Toledo.
  • Episodes of diarrhea or constipation;

 What causes epigastric pain?

Epigastric pain causes stomach pain

Epigastric pain due to esophageal problems

  • Esophagitis and hiatal hernia, according to this research carried out by the Hospital de Navarra.
  • Esophagitis originates from gastric reflux, something we should treat as soon as possible.
  • A hiatal hernia is common once we are over 50, according to this study by the Hospital Doctor Peset in Valencia. It causes acidity, problems with swallowing and digestion, bad breath, etc.

stomach problems

  • Epigastric pain may have its origin in some pathology located exclusively in the stomach.
  • One of them is, without a doubt, especially the peptic ulcer. The pain intensifies during the night and we can find relief when we eat.
  • On the other hand, in a good number of cases, epigastric pain is due to acute gastritis,  whether infectious, toxic or alimentary, according to this research carried out by the Archbishop Loayza National Hospital of Peru.
  • In this case, the pain is very intense and is usually accompanied by vomiting and great discomfort.

Epigastric pain due to bowel problems

This data is important. This pain in the upper abdomen is often caused by appendicitis.

  • Therefore, it is important that whenever we feel severe pain in the upper part of the stomach, we do not hesitate to consult a doctor or go to the emergency room if the pain is very severe.
  • On the other hand, the Crohn’s disease in its early stages, usually has its origin this uncomfortable in epigastric region.
  • By the time epigastric pain reaches the left part of the abdomen, we are talking about a problem in the colon, such as diverticula, according to this study by the Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal.
  • According to information from this study by the Hospital Ramón y Cajal, irritable bowel is also one of the origins of epigastric pain, in which case it is common for pain in the form of colic and gas.

pancreas problems

Acute pancreatitis usually starts with epigastric pain, according to information obtained from the Mayo Clinic. It is important to be aware of this type of symptom located in the upper part of the stomach, especially if accompanied by vomiting and bloating.

Beware, it may alert us to a heart problem

Epigastric pain can simulate a heart attack
  • Acute myocardial infarction can occur with epigastric pain, that is, with pain in the upper part of the abdomen, according to this research carried out by Campus Medynet, one of the official medical platforms for the dissemination of health in the network.
  • The pain should be sudden, compressive and accompanied by vomiting. In any case, and to rule out a heart attack, it will not be an exaggeration to go to a hospital to get a diagnosis as soon as possible about this discomfort.

What can I do to prevent the problems associated with epigastric pain?

As we have seen, epigastric pain is just a symptom associated with some kind of medical condition.

Although they are all very varied (indigestion, ulcers, irritable bowel, heart problems), there is a common element that can help us reduce the likelihood of suffering this type of illness.

That common factor is food. If we take care of our diet, we will reduce the likelihood of suffering or intensifying these diseases, according to this study carried out by the Provincial Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology (Cuba).

So, write down these advices:

  • Reduce your fat intake.
  • Opt for alkaline foods.
  • Eat in small amounts several times a day.
  • Consume fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid foods with preservatives or too many chemicals.
  • Reduce your sugar and salt intake.
  • Be careful with medications such as ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
healthy eating

To conclude, be sure to  consult your doctor in case of any problem, inconvenience or alteration related to your digestive system.

Preventing and caring is synonymous with health and well-being.

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