Feed To Prevent Crow’s Feet

The crow’s feet are related to liver health, with proper nutrition we can treat the root of the problem.

Crow’s feet are wrinkles that appear in the eye region in the form of  horizontal lines that are accentuated when you laugh or squint your eyes.

The appearance of wrinkles is directly related to liver health. So, in this article you can see some feeding tips to prevent and fight crow’s feet. Thus, the use of creams make treatments more effective.

Feed to prevent crow’s feet

bitter food

The foods that benefit our liver the most are those that have a bitter taste. We highlight some of them:

  • Artichoke : can be eaten cooked, roasted and with the hardest leaves. In addition, an infusion can be made.
  • Grapefruit : excellent citrus fruit to be taken on an empty stomach or before bedtime. Ideally sweetened with honey.
  • Losna (wormwood) : this plant has a very bitter taste, so its use brings many benefits to the digestive system and the body in general, through its antioxidant properties. Suggested consumption: infusion of leaves.
  • Endive : Endive has a bitter but also refreshing touch. It can be used in salads or as an aperitif. For appetizers we use the stiffest leaves.
  • Watercress : it has a very mild flavor and is ideal to include in a salad or in the preparation of pesto sauce.
  • Dandelion : in Brazil it is not very common, but in Europe it is very common to use dandelion leaves in salads and in the preparation of teas. In addition to benefiting the functioning of the liver, it also benefits the kidneys.
  • Turmeric : This flower species is highly medicinal and also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anticancer properties. The most used form of turmeric in the West is the dried and ground root (lysome) as a condiment, but we can also make infusions from the flower.

These foods must be consumed daily, alternately, according to each person’s preferences.

Turmeric to prevent crow's feet

green food

The chlorophyll present in green foods is responsible for absorbing and eliminating toxic substances from the body, so we should choose green foods for these functions.

We made a list of other foods that can be substituted for those already mentioned:

  • Spinach
  • Chard
  • Arugula
  • Spirulina
  • Green apple
  • mustard leaves
  • Chicory
Green apple to prevent crow's feet

olive oil and lemon

Olive oil and lemon, while not bitter, help the liver and gallbladder to gradually eliminate the gallstones and gallstones that most people have without realizing it. For these purposes, we must eat these foods as follows:

  • Take a tablespoon of lemon juice and then a tablespoon of cold-pressed olive oil.
  • Wait half an hour before breakfast. Follow this ritual daily.
Olive oil and lemon to prevent chicken feet

milk thistle

Milk thistle is highlighted as it is a medicinal plant that helps to regenerate the liver. It has silymarin as an active ingredient, whose main benefit is its potent ability to stimulate protein synthesis.

This stimulation favors the liver’s ability to replace damaged cells with other new cells. However, in no case does silymarin regenerate malignant cells, which are already defective.

If the person does not have any liver disease, but wants to enjoy the benefits of this plant, it is ideal to take a daily infusion of milk thistle before bedtime.

Apple juice

Natural apple juice is very beneficial for the liver, thanks to the malic acid present in this fruit.

The best time to take is mid-morning or mid-afternoon.

healthy fats

To nourish the skin and prevent the appearance of all types of wrinkles, we must not forget to hydrate and nourish the skin from the inside. That’s why we should  drink plenty of water and eat some of these foods rich in healthy fats daily:

  • First cold pressing vegetable oils: sesame, flax, olive, coconut, etc.
  • Dried fruits and seeds
  • Avocado
  • Butter or clarified butter
  • Egg yolk

grape seed

A powerful remedy for external use to prevent skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles is grape seed oil or extract.

Also, another alternative way to take advantage of these grape seed properties is to chew the seeds and swallow them.

Images courtesy of Frabisa, torbakhopper and elle_ann

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