Flu Or Cold? Main Differences

Flu or cold? Although they are two pathologies generally considered to be very similar, the flu and the common cold have many differences. The viruses, the diagnosis, and also the treatments that the specialist will impose are different.
Flu or cold?  Main differences

Faced with the appearance of physical discomfort that affects the respiratory tract, the mandatory question is: is it a flu or a cold? Both conditions are a viral process, which means that they are spread through viruses.

So then, find out in this article the particulars of these two common conditions. Keep reading!

What are the causes of flu or cold

The common cold can occur through the infection of about 200 viruses; instead, the cause of the flu is the virus known as influenza. In relation to the different viruses, WHO has located some of the most important ones in seasonal flu.

These viruses can be spread relatively easily, as they are present in the environment and on any surface, where they can live for up to 24 hours. Also, those who have already been infected can spread it to others through coughing, salivating and sneezing.

Existing vaccines are generally prescribed for influenza A and B because they are considered the most virulent strains. Its application is recommended for the vulnerable population once a year, before winter; The elderly, pregnant women, the sick, health sector workers, and children are considered vulnerable.

other differences

A cold causes a mild affection of the nose and throat. As for the flu, it can affect the respiratory tract in general, but it can also cause physical discomfort throughout the body.

Flu or cold leave bed

As for the weather, the cold can be caught at any time of year, although it is not as frequent in summer. In contrast, flu is usually very seasonal, and spreads more in winter.

Flu or cold? different symptoms

The most common symptoms of a cold are nasal congestion, shortness of breath, sneezing and coughing. You may also experience a sore throat, and a slight increase in body temperature, which is not a fever (up to 37.5 °C).

On the other hand, flu symptoms include lesser degree of nasal congestion, pharyngeal pain and cough. To this is added a feeling of exhaustion, muscle pain and headaches; high fever appears, that is, above 38.5º C.

This symptomatology makes a difference in terms of severity. It is observed that the flu is more exhausting than the cold; However, both can have complications that seriously affect the health and lives of those who get them.

Before the flu or a cold, consult your doctor

A treatment for every condition

Because both conditions are caused by viruses, the treatment is symptomatic, that is, it seeks only to alleviate the symptoms. The illness has a certain cycle of days, more in the case of the flu than the cold, and there is no treatment to shorten this period.

  • It is not a bacterial process, so antibiotics should not be taken, except when complications arise, and always prescribed by a specialist physician.
  • Self-medication is not recommended to prevent these types of pathologies. Only the doctor has the professional qualifications to treat these illnesses.
  • Treatment includes decongestants, cough suppressants, anti-allergy or antihistamines, expectorants, mucolytics, analgesics and colds, depending on the case.

How are they diagnosed and how long do they last

Patients often have great doubts about the duration of these pathologies. Below, we’ll look at some important information about this:

  • In general, the description of symptoms is enough for the physician to diagnose these diseases. At his discretion, he may order blood and pharyngeal tests.
  • The common cold is considered to recover quickly; it can last up to five days from the onset of symptoms, which will appear progressively.
  • The flu-related discomfort increases rapidly. This disease  lasts between 7 and 15 days, although there is a large typology of very different cases.
  • If either of the two illnesses lasts longer than estimated, medical help should be sought immediately in order to avoid further complications.

Possible complications

Flu or cold can cause headache

Undoubtedly, an excessive period of time with the flu or cold should be a reason for medical consultation; complications include otitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and sinusitis.

These diseases constitute a different clinical picture, both in their approach and in their treatment. They can be associated with bacterial infections.

Flu or cold: home care

Without forgetting that only the doctor is authorized to prescribe a treatment, some homemade measures can help to fight the disease. In the strongest stage of the flu or cold, it is important to:

  • Physical rest The body is busy fighting the disease from the inside out, and therefore the organism will need the greatest number of available energies.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to help fluidize the mucus and relieve congestion in the respiratory tract.
  • The use of humidifiers is very beneficial. It is known that a dry environment promotes the growth of bacteria in the respiratory tract.

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