Foods And Habits That Generate Premature Wrinkles

Lack of sleep is related to premature aging, as collagen formation and activation of cell renewal occur while we sleep.
Foods and habits that generate premature wrinkles

It is believed that wrinkles are a consequence of aging, but recent research indicates that it is not just time that causes these marks and “creases” on the skin, especially on the face. Eating and certain unhealthy habits also cause this problem, which is a real nuisance for women.

What is known is that wrinkles arise due to aging. What is not correct is to think that aging is only related to advancing age, since there are premature or induced aging, which we should avoid if possible.

We can also add to the fact that with age cell division slows down and causes elastin, hydrogen and moisture to decrease in the skin, resulting in the dreaded wrinkles.

types of wrinkles

Wrinkles can be classified into three major groups according to their origin, appearance or depth:

gravitational wrinkles

They are caused by gravity, after all, this force acts on the skin pulling it down.

Resistance to this effect is determined in each person’s genes and is reflected in the type of skin each person has, as well as the care we give it.

One type of gravitational wrinkles that are more common are those located at the corners of the mouth and causing the lips to droop a little.

the wrinkles

dynamic wrinkles

These originate from the movement of the muscles of the face, that is, muscles we use to smile, talk, smoke, etc. Movement patterns are responsible for causing different wrinkles in each person.

For example, if we drink with a straw or drink mate, we will have wrinkles that are different from people who gesticulate a lot to talk and are very expressive. And these wrinkles become more evident when we lose elastin and collagen.

Those that appear above the lips, on the forehead and the famous “crow’s feet” around the eyes are the best known.

Wrinkles of mixed origin

They are caused by a combination of the above factors, namely gravity and motion.

A clear example of this are the wrinkles that appear on the neck, which appear due to gravity and also due to the repetition of the gesture of “affirming”.

And what are the habits that cause wrinkles?

In addition to the natural effect of the skin and the passage of time, some people suffer from wrinkles even when they are younger.

The reason? They do not maintain healthy lifestyle habits, as some of the causes of facial wrinkles are:

consumption of alcoholic beverages

People who drink daily or overdo the weekend, for example, suffer a deterioration in their skin that causes them to lose two years in terms of skin appearance.

Sedentary lifestyle

Lack of weekly exercise has been shown to wrinkle the skin.


Not sleeping well is related to premature aging of the skin, as sleep stimulates the production of a hormone that helps renew collagen.

the wrinkles

too much sun

People who like to tan need to know that the sun’s rays cause the expression lines to increase, in addition to causing skin thickening, blemishes and even the possibility of suffering from skin cancer.

cigarette consumption

This is a very bad habit for several reasons. When it comes to wrinkles, it’s bad because nicotine doesn’t allow the skin to “breathe”.

In addition, smoking makes the wrinkles around the mouth more pronounced, especially in the upper lip region.


Symptoms are similar to insomnia. This state of nerves or the feeling of being pressured is synonymous with an aged face, the appearance of wrinkles, gray hair and alopecia (hair loss in defined regions).

do not eat breakfast

This is a very frequent current error. Many people do not eat breakfast properly because of lack of time or custom.

The first meal of the day should be the most important, strengthened, healthy and balanced to be able to face a full day of work with all the nutrients that give us energy.

the wrinkles


People who accumulate grudges and old disagreements show an increase in their nervous system activity, which worsens their sleep quality and appearance.

candy consumption

A diet based on sugars not only causes overweight and obesity, it also increases the risk of developing diabetes, wrinkles and acne.

certain diseases

Some diseases in particular can cause wrinkles, either as a side effect of the medication or the disease itself. It is sometimes difficult to maintain the body’s balance.

sudden weight loss

Overweight people who lose weight quickly not only show weight-related changes, but also begin to look “older”.

The subcutaneous fat fills the furrows and it can look like the skin is smooth, so when we lose weight it changes completely.

the wrinkles

Foods that cause wrinkles

The main enemy of beautiful, youthful skin is sugar. But beware: it’s not just desserts, chocolates or sweets that contain sugar. All foods that cause reactions between carbohydrates, proteins and fats at high temperatures also contain them.

So avoid marinating meat or cooking fish with potatoes and reduce the amount of food cooked over high heat. Therefore, always try to use a low to moderate heat, even if it takes longer for the food to be ready. Also, don’t drink too much fluid with meals.

On the other hand, consume more vegetables and fruits instead of sugars, as it is this type of food that eliminates the free radicals that cause this problem. And, in addition to being rich in antioxidants, they are not fattening and delicious. In this way, they will help your face to show a more youthful look.

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