Foods That Cause Abdominal Inflammation

By substituting carbonated drinks for juices or water, we avoid gas build-up and empty calories.

In this article we will talk about the foods that are mainly responsible for causing abdominal inflammation, so that they are avoided or consumed with greater precaution.

Many of the readers have been through this situation: right after enjoying a great meal, they felt bloated.

Even though this is not a serious problem, it is very uncomfortable and on several occasions makes it difficult to wear clothes. After all, the swollen abdomen tends to stretch the clothes we wear, a situation that can generate bad mood and irritability, since it takes away our comfort.

Presenting a swollen abdomen is a reflex of gas and causes pain. So, take a look at the list we’ll present below.

Main responsible for abdominal bloating


For example, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and the like. They are very famous for causing the symptoms we referred to earlier. So, if these vegetables have this effect on you, it is best to reduce your consumption.

excess salt

Too much salt in meals also increases the risk of bloating, as salt usually retains fluid and this contributes to swelling in this region. Thus, the ideal is to reduce excessive salt intake in order to avoid discomfort. By the way, people who suffer from hypertension will benefit a lot from this tip.


It is famous for causing instant abdominal discomfort, even though for some people the negative effects of food are not felt and they are able to enjoy it without major inconvenience.

dairy products

These also contribute to abdominal bloating. People who spend a long time without consuming this type of product, or lactose intolerant, often suffer abdominal discomfort, cramps and even diarrhea when they consume it.

It is very important that, when there is a suspicion of intolerance to this type of product, a doctor is consulted to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a correct treatment, as the inconveniences can be worse and worse without this treatment.

carbonated drinks

In addition to being unhealthy because of their high content of calories and sugar, they can cause uncomfortable gas and bloating in the abdomen. It is preferable to replace them with juices or healthier drinks, such as water.

fried food

These are also on the list of causes of abdominal discomfort. They are difficult to digest, staying longer in the digestive system and filling us with gas.

the gum

Amazingly, gum can also generate these nuisances. The reason is that when you chew it, a large amount of air fills our stomach and accumulates in the region.

Soda can cause abdominal bloating
Avoid drinking fizzy drinks as they contain a high sugar content.

Always when you’re going to eat, the best option is to let go of worries, phone calls, arguments, etc.

These situations make us eat faster, without chewing food properly. This also causes discomfort and makes digestion difficult.

Slow digestions allow food to ferment in our body, causing gas and constipation.

Thus, in situations of nervousness or stress, do not sit down to eat. Calm down first and when you are more stable eat.

Situations where we eat nervous or restless are very common. Then we realize that the system is slow and the stomach is heavy.

If symptoms of abdominal inflammation present themselves in specific cases, for example, right after consuming certain types of food, the probability is that this is not a serious problem.

But if, in addition to the main symptoms, which are gas and bloating, there is also diarrhea, vomiting or other symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Natural Remedies to Treat Abdominal Inflammation


Ginger to treat abdominal bloating

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, its consumption is recommended in cases of inflammation or abdominal distension caused by difficult digestion, helping to reduce uncomfortable gas.


Finally, chamomile, mint and sage infusions are very beneficial to treat abdominal inflammation. In addition, infusing a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon into a cup of hot water is very effective. Just let it sit for 15 minutes, sweeten it with a little honey and enjoy!

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