Fruits, True Natural Laxatives

With a simple change of habit it is possible to have natural laxatives with the consumption of fruits. See some tasty options here.
Fruits, true natural laxatives

Constipation is a common problem and causes great discomfort. Usually, those who suffer from this condition evacuate less than 3 times a week. Today we will see more about fruits, the true natural laxatives.

It is noteworthy that this issue is directly linked to food, since several foods can influence the improvement and/or worsening of this problem.

The most common foods to relieve constipation are those high in fiber.

However, this problem is not just related to food.

Other factors such as difficulty in digestion, speed of metabolism and even the feeling of constipation are related.

The great advantage is that some fruits, known as laxative fruits, are able to regulate bowel function. Let’s meet them?

Natural laxatives: plum



Plum is well known for its high fiber content. Studies have shown that black plum and its juice are great stimulators of intestinal transit due to the presence of dihydroxyphenyl isatin acid.

The ideal amount for consumption is two fresh prunes or four prunes a day.

Natural laxatives: papaya


One of the types of papaya, papaya, has a substance known as papain, excellent for our intestines, helping digestion with improved absorption of nutrients.

The recommended is to consume half to one unit of fruit per day.

Natural laxatives: kiwi


Kiwi works as a laxative thanks to a substance, actinidin, which is a proteolytic enzyme that stimulates colon receptors, aiding in the mobility of this structure and facilitating the evacuation process.

Besides, the kiwi has natural fibers, obtaining a great result against constipation. The recommended is to consume up to 2 kiwis per day.

Natural laxatives: pineapple

pineapple.  .Jill.

Pineapple and its bromelains can help in the process of protein digestion, a nutrient that is very difficult to digest. It is recommended to consume up to 2 slices a day, or drink pineapple juice.

Natural laxatives: fig

fresh figs

This fruit is rich in enzymes. One of them is ficin, which helps to digest proteins, making the food bolus stay less time in the intestines and be eliminated much faster.

Natural laxatives: blackberry

This fruit is rich in anthocyanins, antioxidant and bactericidal compounds that can help with constipation.

Not to mention that it is possible to find an important fiber in blackberry, pectin, which can absorb water and makes the intestinal transit even better.

The recommended is 1 cup of blackberry tea per day.

Natural laxatives: avocado


This fruit has good fats that help in the proper functioning of the intestine, since monounsaturated fats can help lubricate the stool.

Just watch out for the high calorie value of avocado. Consume only in small amounts, 2-3 tablespoons per week.

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