Happiness Is Not Sustained By Dreams, But By Reality

To achieve happiness, it is very likely that we will have to go through bad times in which we will want to drop everything, but only then will we be able to value what we achieve. 

Dreams are important. They make us hope and lean on happiness. However, if we want it to last, we must orient our gaze to reality.

Many of our desires are simply there: mere ideas that never come to life. Maybe because we don’t rationalize them correctly.

Perhaps we let ourselves be carried away by the confidence that was intoxicating us at that moment.

However, what seems so positive, even knowing that it brings us a brief moment of happiness, can become something much more serious that will raise thousands of barriers.

reality is the boss

couple blindfolded to reality

Sounds very contradictory, doesn’t it? Dreams that are only in mere thoughts, realities that slap us and throw us backwards…  The key is to be found in balance.

For starters, it’s imperative that we know some keys that will make us put our feet on the ground. This will prevent us from falling into unrealizable fantasies:

  • Can we achieve what we set out to do? Without realizing it, we want to go where we cannot. Not because we don’t want to, but because we don’t have the means.
  • Whether it’s money, work or family issues, there are many things that will prevent our wishes from being fulfilled.
  • Be honest with yourself and demonstrate your strengths and weaknesses. You might not want to be a doctor if just seeing blood makes you pass out. You have to see reality, see your abilities, what’s good and what’s bad, and from there move forward.
  • The path is made by walking. If you are anchored in your comfort zone, how do you intend to get what you want? We have to put ourselves in motion, make all our actions are directed to get what we want.

If we stay still we won’t get anywhere.

woman trapped denying reality

It is necessary to take into account these three points, as they will be essential to succeed in achieving what we want. For our wishes to be a reality.

If the first two are clear, the most important is missing. Don’t be silent.

In happiness not everything is positive

woman denying reality

Happiness is not a rosy world; it will also have dimness and dark areas. Because we confuse this term with “being happy always”, something that is impossible, as emotions vary continuously.

Happiness is nothing more than being in harmony, even if the current is not in our favor and little eddies appear around us.

You become destabilized when you start thinking about impossible dreams and believing that everything comes easily and simply. However, it is wrong.

The things we want to achieve are achieved on the basis of effort and sacrifice. Hours dedicated to himself, to be better at what he does, to excel every day a little more on the basis of the mistakes made.

We won’t be right in thinking that every mistake pulls us down and makes us give up. This is nothing more than an opportunity to redirect your way down the right path.

Because happiness is not just joy, as positive emotions are present in us, but also negative ones. Both parties have a purpose.

open your eyes to reality

Woman blindfolded to reality

We were blind for a long time. We believe that a failure was a defeat. However, it was just an invitation to open my eyes and realize what we were wrong up until that moment.

Did you give up on walking every time you fell when you were little? Did you stop trying despite the scrapes and bruises on your knees?

As children, we were much more persistent than we are now. That’s because we’re now full of fear and doubt, insecurities and assumptions that aren’t real.

Start taking short steps to what you want. Be patient, because even if you think time is passing fast, it’s actually slower than you think.

Little by little, without giving up, with will, courage and perseverance, you will realize that  happiness is based on realities, not on unrealizable hypotheses. 

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