Happy People Don’t Talk Bad About Others

Instead of obsessing over criticism or criticizing others, take the time to improve yourself and your surroundings.
Happy people don't talk bad about others

The habit of “talking bad” about others is so ingrained in our society today that, unfortunately, we don’t realize how much it can harm everyone’s lives; the one who criticizes, the one who is criticized, and even the one who passively listens to criticism about others.

Have you ever noticed how happy people don’t talk bad about others? It seems they just don’t have the need that so many other people do.

In this article, we want to talk about why people criticize others and how we can stay strong in the face of criticism and negative energies from people who only know how to badmouth others.

Why do people speak ill of others?

The main reason people feel the need to speak ill of others is to make them feel better about their own insecurities. They often look for faults and faults in others to comment on, in an attempt to disguise, distract, or even stop thinking about their own faults.

And make no mistake: no one is immune to this. Analyze your own behavior carefully and see if you haven’t made any nasty comments lately, even unintentionally. We often say something and only then realize it.

Unfortunately this type of behavior is ingrained in the daily lives of many people;  who most of the time are dissatisfied with some aspect of their lives, and criticize others to somehow feel better. Even if this is done unconsciously in some situations.

Happy people stand strong in the face of criticism

Low self-esteem is not in happy people

It is also essential to talk about the other side of the coin: the person who is criticized. In theory, we should all be completely immune to criticism. After all, what a person says about us is their reality, not ours. Nobody really knows what happens in another person’s life, both the joys and moments of happiness and the struggles and adversities overcome.

Don’t let the opinions of others influence your daily life negatively. It is very important to reinforce and develop your self-esteem and self-confidence, in order to know how to better deal with criticism and resist it. We know that this is often difficult to do, but the key to achieving this is self-knowledge.

If you are happy with yourself, if you have strong values ​​that you believe in, if you know how to value everything you have in life, instead of focusing on what you don’t have, you can live apart from the comments of others, as they will not affect you.

Stay away from those who only know how to criticize


Everyone knows a person full of negative energies; who only knows how to complain about life, complain about all the events. He even complains about happy people, and speaks ill of others whenever he has the slightest opportunity.

These energies are contagious, so it is not worth encouraging this type of behavior, as you will also lose out with it. Surround yourself with happy people, with a high spirits up there, optimistic and who see the positive side of life, and not people who let everyone (and even themselves) “down”.

Make no mistake: a person who speaks ill of others to you will certainly speak ill of you to others. Is this the kind of friendship or relationship you want to have? Maybe it’s time to reassess.

If you live with someone like that, you can talk and explain that this behavior only harms everyone.

Nor would I like to hear nasty comments about other people anymore.

If it still doesn’t work, unfortunately the best solution may be to leave.

Be the best version of yourself


Happy people are too preoccupied with themselves and their well-being. They will not waste time speaking ill of others. Get inspired by them!

Dedicate your time, your thoughts and your words to the person who matters most in your life: you! Keep your focus on being the best possible version of yourself, working through your insecurities without comparing yourself to others, and without wasting time with comments and observations about other people’s characteristics and behaviors.

When you are satisfied with yourself, you will certainly be making the best decisions for your present and future.

Furthermore, you will be living according to your true essence and will have no concern for others. As well as being able to move forward in a much lighter, fuller and happier way.

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