How Often Should We Wash Our Hair?

Even among doctors who specialize in the skin, hair and scalp, there is disagreement about the use of shampoo and its frequency of application. The ideal is to observe the behavior of your scalp and adjust the cleaning to your needs.
How often should we wash our hair?

To wash or not wash your hair daily? Take a minute to check out this article and find the answer!

Sebum hydrates our skin and hair. Without it, the skin can dry out and fall off prematurely, leaving the cells exposed to outside elements.

But that doesn’t mean we have to let the sebum build up in the scalp. Nor is it associated with constantly washing your hair to eliminate oiliness.

Our daily hygiene routine and the habit of washing our hair cause the loss of its natural oils and our skin, due to the use of shampoos, creams and conditioners.

These daily activities are hygiene habits that were inherited from the West. After all, for them, the appearance of oiliness in the hair is usually unacceptable, as is not taking a shower daily. Thus, these two reasons lead us to question: how often should we wash our hair?

To use or not shampoo to wash your hair?

Using shampoo on a daily basis is relatively new. In the 1950s, women used to wash and comb their hair once a week, and this care was performed in a beauty salon.

However, over the years this habit has been replaced by the daily use of shampoo at home. With this information we ask ourselves: should we really use shampoo every day?

homemade shampoo to wash your hair

The answer is based on personal preference. Even among specialists in skin, hair and scalp care, it is said that there is disagreement in the use and frequency of shampoo.

Some professionals in the field do not advise the constant use of shampoo. They indicate that daily cleaning of the scalp produces an adverse reaction, an increase in sebum production, since it removes the natural protection of the skin and scalp.

Other experts recommend that the use of shampoo is necessary to prevent sebum from accumulating in the pores and hair follicles. As this causes, for example, the appearance of acne on the skin.

Regardless of preferences, in 2007 a person conducted an improvised study on a radio show in Australia that mentioned that he hadn’t washed his hair in a decade.

Shortly after that statement, the show received several phone calls, and then issued a challenge to the show’s 500 listeners to go six weeks without using shampoo.

After the established period, 89% of the interviewed participants commented that their hair did not suffer from the lack of shampoo, its use being irrelevant.

Opinions differ on the topic.

After all, should we or shouldn’t we wash our hair regularly? It’s not an easy answer. But it would be correct to say that it depends on each person and on the skin and hair situation.

If you have fine hair, it’s likely that it won’t look good the next day, and it would be a good idea to wash it more often.

On the other hand, hair that is frizzy, curled and has a full-bodied strand, it is recommended to wash it every three days.

Some people believe that the hair looks weak and excessively light when washed, and thicker the next day.

hair mask

According to some experts, washing your hair twice a week is a good point of reference. Or when you notice that it’s already necessary.

So, if you are the type of person who has thick, long, curly hair, and washing it requires considerable time, between washing it, drying it and styling it, pay attention:

We recommend that you perform this care once a week in a timely manner. 

But, there are controversies and some people with this type of hair prefer to wash it every day.

The ideal is to observe the behavior of the scalp and adjust daily care to your needs.

However, if you notice that your hair is oily, you can choose to wash it daily. But try to use special and mild shampoos for frequent use, as the more concentrated ones damage the hair.

But in the case of dry hair, it is best to wash it every other day. Also, change the shampoo for nourishing conditioner, or some product that moisturizes your hair.

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