How To Avoid Corns, Calluses And Cracked Heels

There is a type of skin prone to developing this class of calluses and calluses. They can appear in case of overweight or if the affected person remains standing for a long time.

You should take good care of your feet so they don’t have cracked heels, calluses and, above all, painful calluses. Because our feet say a lot about us. Through them, for example, we can learn about  a person’s lifestyle, gender, way of being and culture.

Relationship between our feet and our body

The health of our feet and our body, in general, are closely related. If we have stiffness in our joints, for example, this would be alerting us to an arthritis problem .

Tingling or numb feet may indicate a problem with diabetes. If they show swelling, it may be a sign of high blood pressure.

For this reason,  we must pay close attention to the symptoms that our feet present, as they would be warning us about possible illnesses.

Likewise, we must be aware of the great importance that feet have in our lives. They are what allow us to maintain balance and it is through them that we move and run.

In fact, it has already been determined that every human being travels at least 400,000 km throughout his life. That’s the equivalent of going around the world about 10 times.

How to avoid corns

What is hyperkeratosis

The forefoot region and the heel are the parts that support the entire weight of our body when we are standing or walking.

Therefore, this region has a much thicker skin, so that we can resist pressure. However, if we are very heavy or do activities that require us to stand for a long time, this will produce calluses and calluses on the feet. This condition is known as hyperkeratosis.

Calluses on the feet can be symptoms of some type of bone deformity. However,  wearing a shoe that rubs the skin or is too tight can also cause these problems.

Generally, when calluses are constantly present, it is due to a type of skin that is more likely to develop these ailments.

Care to be considered to avoid corns

It is very important to use a pumice stone daily as it will eliminate the rough layers of the skin, preventing them from building up.

Care to be considered to avoid corns

Even so, remember to apply a good moisturizing cream, preferably at night. This way,  the skin will not lose its elasticity.

The best creams, according to expert podiatrists, are preparations based on glycerin. According to some studies, they were the ones that showed the best results, as they allow the skin to regain its smoothness and prevent the formation of cracks in this part of the body.

Do you suffer from any of the problems mentioned? So, try our tips and then let us know if they were useful for you.

And be sure to read our upcoming articles with more suggestions for your health, beauty and well-being.

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