How To Clean The Coffee Maker Naturally And With Vinegar

If you want to prolong the life of the coffee maker, it is very important to clean it regularly so that debris does not accumulate.
How to clean the coffee maker naturally and with vinegar

Coffee brewed in a dirty or maintenance-free coffee maker can leave a strange and unpleasant aftertaste. So, if what you want is to have a clean coffeemaker, we’ll tell you how you can clean it with vinegar and other natural products. Thus, you will avoid using chemical or industrial cleaners that are less sustainable – and pollute the environment.

How to clean the coffee maker with vinegar

Learning to clean the coffee maker with vinegar

Many already know that vinegar is a natural cleanser that is used for many household cleaning tasks; is a perfect home remedy for removing tough stains, cleaning glass, tiles and more. It is one of the products that should never be lacking in a home, as it is very practical to clean many surfaces, in an economical and ecological way.

To optimize the cleaning process, we have to differentiate two types of coffee maker: the coffee maker and the Italian coffee maker that is used directly on the stove.

How to Clean an Electric Coffee Maker


  • Water
  • white vinegar

What to do?

  1. First, clean all coffee residues from the jug, empty the coffee container and the old and used filter.
  2. Then wash the coffeemaker in cold water and fill it with two parts water and one part white vinegar.
  3. Leave this vinegar and water solution in the tank and turn on the coffee maker as you would normally prepare coffee. When the cycle is over, turn off the coffeemaker.
  4. Let it rest for 15 minutes.
  5. Finally, after the indicated time, clean the remains of the vinegar with boiling water. To do this, add water and let it pass through the filters. Once the vinegar remains are removed, the coffee maker is ready for normal use.

To achieve better results, the ideal would be to do this procedure once a month. Keep in mind that it is an appliance that is used practically every day of the year. If you haven’t cleaned your coffee maker for a while, repeat this procedure with vinegar and water twice to remove any residues and coffee beans that have been incorporated.

Clean an Italian coffee maker with vinegar

white vinegar

To clean this type of coffee maker, pay attention to the following steps:

Boil water with vinegar

  • First, bring the tank to a boil with a mixture of water and vinegar. You will need one part vinegar to three parts water. Never go past the valve because if you do, it will become clogged.
  • Then place the coffee filter on top of the coffee maker. Boil until all the mixture evaporates and stays on top. In fact, it ‘s like making coffee without adding the ground product.

Clean the inside of the coffee maker and the base

When all the liquid is at the top, empty it. With the help of a mop, rub until all internal stains are removed until it acquires a shine.

Then clean the base with a mop suitable for the steel. With a little soap, rub in circles until clean. Be careful as it may leave marks if you press hard on the surface.

Clean valve and filter

The coffeemaker’s valve is the little stealth valve that is located in the middle of the water tank. Mark the water level and must not be exceeded.

The coffee filter must be cleaned after each use once it has cooled down. It is very important to keep it clean and free from impurities so as not to clog. If it gets clogged, steam will not come out of the holes and will result in bad coffee.

Don’t abandon the coffee maker, much less neglect small details like the filter and valve!

Clean coffee makers with natural products

We found other natural products that can also help you in this cleaning job. They are ingredients as natural and organic as vinegar. We’ll tell you next how you can clean your coffeemaker with these methods.

Clean the coffee maker with lemon juice

It is well known that lemon juice has an antibacterial effect similar to vinegar and therefore the procedure is quite similar.

  • To clean it, use the same system as vinegar, but this time use one part water to two parts lemon juice.
  • This juice will work very well to eliminate debris deposited on the coffeemaker’s filter.

Clean the coffee maker with baking soda

Baking soda is also one of the products par excellence for household chores. That’s why it’s also perfect for removing debris from the coffeemaker and keeping it clean.

  • To perform this cleaning, you must apply a little baking soda to a damp cloth and clean the inside of the coffee maker. Then rinse to remove debris.

Clean the coffee maker with cleaning tablets and descalers

When cleaning capsule coffeemakers, you can effectively remove lime with just one tablet.

  • They are used in a very simple way, as it is enough to drop a tablet into the water reservoir and then start it.
  • Most modern coffee makers usually have a cleaning cycle. If this is not the case, you can use the normal cycle.

Cleaning the coffee maker

Don’t hesitate to implement these tips every time you notice your coffeemaker is dirty or stained.

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