How To Clean The Oven: 5 Cleaning Methods

Lemon, vinegar or baking soda will help you easily clean your oven, whether it’s electric, gas or microwave.  
How to Clean Your Oven: 5 Cleaning Methods

Cleaning the oven is essential as it could otherwise become a hotbed for bacteria and micro-organisms. Do you know how to clean the oven without leaving food leftovers stuck in it? Check out some useful tips!

Below, we show some tricks to get your oven glowing, depending on the type in question.

clean the oven

woman disinfecting the oven

For this reason we should clean the oven completely from time to time. Of course, also taking into account what kind of oven we have to choose the correct procedure.

For example, there are self-cleaning ovens on the market in which you only need to activate the self-cleaning mode and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. However, not all of us are lucky enough to have an oven with these characteristics, and we have to deal with sticky dirt and grease.

Then we tell you how to clean your electric or gas oven and your microwave oven, because these are the appliances we all have at home.

In addition, our advice includes natural and organic products, such as lemon, vinegar or bicarbonate, so that you don’t have to spend more on chemical products from commercial establishments and, besides, you’ll get a more than efficient result.

Take note!

Cleaning the electric or gas oven

person cleaning the oven


Cleaning the oven is not easy. Fat tends to stick everywhere and we know how difficult it is to remove. However, there is a completely ecological and natural trick that is also effective: lemon .

  • First, cut 3 lemons and squeeze the juice into a container suitable for the oven.
  • Then close the oven and heat it to 250 °C for 30 minutes.
  • The degreasing power of the lemon will have an effect, after that you just have to clean it with a cloth. Of course, be careful: don’t start cleaning when the oven is still too hot.


In addition to lemon, vinegar is also a natural antibacterial degreaser.

  • Put the vinegar in a spray and spray it into the oven. Take care not to spray the hot plates.
  • Then heat the oven to 120 °C for 10 minutes.
  • Finally, let it cool a little to prevent it from burning, easily remove the dirt with a cloth.


Another trick is to use baking soda, especially if you have to clean a very dirty oven. For that:

  • First, mix the baking soda with water until you get a paste.
  • Then simply apply the paste to the oven walls (not the hotplates) and let it act for about two hours.
  • Keep in mind that in this case you should not heat the oven.
  • Finally, remove the paste and wipe off the dirt with a cloth.

Clean your microwave oven with these tricks

How to clean the microwave oven

The microwave is a device that tends to get very dirty. In fact, spatter and grease make it one of the household appliances that require the most cleaning. However, cleaning it well is not difficult if you follow these tips:

water, vinegar and salt

  • In a microwave safe container, add half a cup of water and half a cup of vinegar mixed with a tablespoon of salt.
  • Then cover the container with a lid that has holes in it (it could be plastic-film you pierced through).
  • Place the container in the microwave at full power for 5 minutes. The steam in the mixture will descale the dirt from the oven walls.
  • When the five minutes have passed, do not remove the container. Leave for another 10 minutes with the door closed.
  • Finally, open the oven and, with a cloth, easily remove the dirt.

Bicarbonate and vinegar

  • First, mix a cup of water with a tablespoon of vinegar in a microwave safe container.
  • Then place the container in the oven and, at maximum power, let the entire glass evaporate.
  • When it has evaporated, keep the door closed and let the steam created for 10 minutes.
  • Then, taking care that the container is not too hot, remove it from the oven and apply baking soda with a sponge dipped in water.
  • Finally, just remove the baking soda from the walls with a cloth and dry the interior.

In conclusion, do not hesitate to put these tips into practice to have a clean, disinfected and shiny oven.


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