How To Fight Gastritis With 7 Natural Remedies

If we are following any medical treatment for gastritis, we must consult with a specialist before abandoning it or combining it with these natural options, as there may be some contraindication

Gastritis is a digestive problem that  occurs when the stomach lining becomes irritated  due to excessive production of acidic juices.

It is a common disease in the population, almost always caused by bad eating habits, even though it can also be caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria 

Its main symptom is an uncomfortable burning sensation in the belly,  almost always accompanied with pain, inflammation and indigestion.

It can be sporadic at times; however, it becomes a recurrent disorder  that, if left untreated, leads to other complications.

Fortunately, in addition to doctor-recommended treatments, there are natural remedies that can help curb symptoms without causing side effects.

In this article, we’ve shared seven good options  so you don’t have any doubts about taking them into account at the first sign of illness.

1. Potato juice

Potato juice to fight gastritis

Natural Potato Juice is an antacid remedy that helps regulate the pH of the stomach to control the burning and pain caused by gastritis.

Its properties reduce excessive gas production and also reduce the level of inflammation associated with this condition.

What should I do?

  • Extract the juice from a potato and consume three to four scoops.
  • Take twice a day if symptoms persist.

2. Coconut water

Known for its high content of essential nutrients, coconut water is a healthy option to tackle this digestive problem.

Its alkaline power reduces excess acidity and, as it is a hydrating drink, it  serves as a support for detoxifying the stomach.

What should I do?

  • Simply consume half a glass of coconut water (100 ml) at the first symptom of gastritis.
  • If discomfort continues, consume up to three times a day.

3. Natural yogurt

Natural yogurt to fight gastritis

The live cultures contained in natural yoghurt are excellent allies to fight the H. pylori bacteria  responsible for chronic gastritis.

These probiotics regulate the pH of the gastrointestinal tract and, in addition,  strengthen the layer that protects the stomach from excess acidity. 

What should I do?

  • Simply consume two cups of natural yoghurt (250 g) a day until the condition is relieved.

4. Strawberry

Strawberries contain phenolic compounds that can help reduce inflammation of the stomach lining to cope with the symptoms of gastritis.

Its antioxidants fight the negative action of free radicals and, on the other hand, support the regeneration of the gastric mucosa.

What should I do?

  • Simply prepare an infusion with dried strawberry leaves and consume twice a day.
  • Also, consume three or five ripe strawberries every day.

5. Rice milk

Rice milk against gastritis

Rice milk is a vegetable drink that has become popular around the world as an ideal remedy for diarrhea and skin problems.

It contains minerals, in addition to antioxidants and fiber, which  help to regulate the digestive pH to prevent excess acidity and gastritis.

In addition, its intake reduces the burning sensation in the abdomen and effectively combats inflammation.

What should I do?

  • First, add a couple of scoops of rice (20 g) in a glass of water (200 ml).
  • Then bring to a boil for several minutes.
  • After getting a white drink, strain and consume.
  • Repeat the remedy up to twice a day.

6. Organic honey

Honey is a natural antacid that can help repair the stomach lining to prevent ulcers and gastritis.

Its natural sugars are a source of fuel for the body and, since they are easily metabolized, they pose no health problem.

It contains minerals, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents  that are decisive in controlling pain and abdominal irritation.

What should I do?

  • First, consume two tablespoons of organic bee honey (50 g) at the first symptom of the disease.
  • If you like it, dilute it in warm water to facilitate ingestion.

7. Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel against gastritis

Aloe vera leaf crystal is a natural remedy with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can effectively fight gastritis.

Its natural assets can inhibit the action of the H. pylori  bacteria  and, in addition, support the restoration of the stomach mucosa.

What should I do?

  • First, extract a couple of scoops of aloe vera gel (30 g).
  • Then, blend in a blender with a little water.
  • Finally, consume the medicine, preferably on an empty stomach.

Note: As it has a mild laxative effect, it should not be consumed in excess.

Therefore, there are several options to treat gastritis without having to consume conventional antacids in excess.

So choose any of the recommended remedies and test for yourself their benefits.

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