How To Naturally Debug The Bladder?

In order to cleanse the bladder and kidneys in a natural way, it is very important to reduce the consumption of salt as much as possible and to hydrate the body correctly.
How to naturally clear the bladder?

The bladder has an essential function in the body, which is to store urine and then dispose of it. Believe it or not, the bladder is a very sensitive organ to various diseases such as inflammation, infection, urinary hyperactivity and even cancer.

Therefore, it is worth knowing how to take care of it and strengthen it. We will explain below!

The need to strengthen and treat the bladder

Who has never had a urinary tract infection ? The bladder is, as we said, a sensitive organ, whose walls react against the elements present in urine; that can make you sick and inflame you.

After all, what must be eliminated are residues, toxic components that should have been expelled by the body.

Urinary incontinence, overactive bladder are also some disorders that can generate small changes in routine, such as having to go to the bathroom many times and suffering discomfort; that can become chronic.

So it’s important to learn how to take care of her, starting with the foods and guidelines to keep her strong and healthy. Namely,  the statistic of people who are suffering from bladder cancer as a result of smoking is increasing more and more .

Many of the harmful components of nicotine end up infiltrating the walls of this organ and from that point on, tumors form.

It is something serious that can end with the extirpation of the bladder, forcing the patient to live with a type of bag attached to the abdomen to extract urine.

So our first advice is, if you smoke, quit this addiction immediately for the sake of your health!

 1. Clear your bladder twice a week

Drink water to clear your bladder

It is necessary that, every three days, dedicate one day to take care of this organ. One thing to keep in mind is that these guidelines will also help clear your kidneys, so it’s definitely worth following these tips.

It is necessary to reduce the consumption of salt,  and if possible, eliminate it. Every three days, devote yourself to clearing your bladder and kidneys.

To do this, just follow the following recommendations:

  • Do not consume coffee, soda or sugary drinks.
  • Do not consume foods that contain too much protein.
  • Every three days, take a day to consume fruits, vegetables, juices and water. Avoid meat, sausages, sweets and refined flour.
  • Drink two liters of water daily

2. Blueberry juice

Blueberries to clear the bladder

It is, without a doubt, one of the best juices for bladder treatment. There are many studies that prove  the protective role of blueberries,  strengthening and preventing infections.

It also eliminates excess calcium, since this mineral damages the kidneys’ functions, making it slow and accumulating toxins.

Calcium deposits can cause urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Now you have great reasons to consume blueberry juice, which is also very healthy.

3. Potassium-rich juice for tomorrow’s breakfast

carrot juice to cleanse the bladder

You will certainly be wondering how to make a potassium-rich juice. Preparation is very easy! Simply blend a carrot, a piece of celery, and spinach in a blender and add a little parsley and water.

This drink will serve as a powerful cleansing tonic, contributing a lot to start the day with energy. Plus, it’s delicious and healthy.

4. The watermelon

A great bladder protector and very diuretic. Consume watermelon whenever possible and see how it will regulate your entire system; preventing infections and facilitating the work of the kidneys.

It is possible to make juices, salads and consume it at any time of the day.

5. The benefits of chlorophyll


An ideal treatment for bladder and general health care. Furthermore, it is possible to find chlorophyll in health food stores or pharmacies in the form of capsules.

This natural substance benefits the body’s metabolic functions by improving the immune system. It is wonderful!

Furthermore, it cleanses the blood and strengthens; a great health ally worth considering and taking for at least five consecutive days a month.

Finally, bladder care is simple, easy and worth starting today.

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