How To Prepare A Clay And Coffee Cream To Reduce Sagging Skin?

To get all the benefits of this cream and make the most of its properties, it is good to do a previous exfoliation in the desired region so that the nutrients penetrate the skin better.
How to prepare a clay and coffee cream to reduce sagging skin?

Skin sagging is one of the aesthetic problems that most concern women, especially when it presents itself early. In this article, we want to share a clay and coffee cream whose nutrient concentration is adequate to firm and tone, combating sagging skin.

Its appearance is related to the loss of collagen and elastin, which occurs with age, although it can also occur in young people  as a result of sudden changes in weight and sedentary lifestyle.

Its presence causes the skin to become sagging and, in turn, causes the appearance of wrinkles and other premature signs of age.

Luckily, it is a problem that can be alleviated, as long as there is a willingness to adopt a healthy lifestyle and perform some cosmetic treatments.

Although there are several options on the market to combat it, many prefer to opt for natural recipes that, in addition to being more economical, offer multiple benefits.

Clay and coffee cream to reduce sagging skin

clay mask

Homemade clay and coffee cream is a firming, anti-inflammatory product that helps to reduce sagging skin if applied regularly.

Its active compounds increase elasticity and collagen levels, decreasing the appearance of wrinkles and other age-reflective aesthetic problems.

Its high content of antioxidants and essential minerals offers special protection to the skin, reducing the negative impact of free radicals and toxins.

In turn, applied with massage, it promotes blood circulation and, thanks to this, it is useful to minimize stretch marks, cellulite and other alterations.

Considering that its nutrients are easily absorbed through the pores, it serves to optimize the oxygenation and rejuvenation process.

In addition, as its ingredients are not aggressive, it can be used in all areas of the body, without fear of unwanted adverse reactions.

How to prepare this firming cream from clay and coffee?


Preparing this clay cream is a way to take care of your skin at home, without having to invest so much money in expensive treatments on the market.

Its ingredients are very easy to acquire in health food stores and supermarkets, and although their effects may vary, their regular use offers interesting benefits.

The ideal is to complement its application with the daily practice of physical exercise and a good diet, as these are essential habits to preserve the skin’s firmness.


  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)
  • 1 bag of black tea
  • 1 cup of green clay (200 g)
  • 6 spoons of coffee grounds (60 g)
  • 5 tablespoons of olive oil (80 g)
  • 10 drops of hazelnut extract


  • Glass bottle
  • Wooden or silicone spoon


  • Heat half a cup of water and, when it boils, add the black tea sachet.
  • Let it concentrate for 10 or 15 minutes  , then strain and pour the liquid into a glass jar.
  • Add the green clay and tea and stir with a wooden utensil until it dissolves well.
  • If it gets too thick or dusty, add a little warm water.
  • After obtaining the clay paste, mix the coffee remains, the olive oil and the hazelnut extract.
  • Keep stirring until you get a smooth, creamy-textured mixture.
  • Let it stand for an hour and start using it.

Application mode

clay firming cream
  • Thoroughly clean the region of the body where you want to apply the product and, if possible, exfoliate to facilitate the absorption of its components.
  • Take a generous amount of firming cream and apply with gentle circular massages.
  • Leave the ingredients for 20 to 30 minutes, or until the cream dries well.
  • After that time, rinse with plenty of warm water and a soft sponge.
  • Dry well with a clean towel and finish the treatment by applying a moisturizing cream.
  • You will immediately feel fresher, cleaner and toned skin, soft to the touch.

Keep in mind that the firming power of this product is not obtained from the first application.

Be consistent with your use and, before long, you will begin to notice results.

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