How To Prevent Sagging In The Face With 6 Facial Exercises

Exercising the face is essential to prevent sagging. The exercises can be performed anywhere and you only need to dedicate a few minutes a day to get satisfactory results.
How to avoid sagging face with 6 facial exercises

The sagging face is one of the aesthetic problems that affect a woman’s beauty. See how to avoid sagging on the face.

It appears due to a reduction in the production of collagen and elastin,  two substances that are responsible for maintaining the skin’s firmness and youth.

This allows the dermal tissue to hang and, on the other hand, increases the appearance of wrinkles and premature signs of age.

Even though it is part of the biological aging process, some people experience it early on due to the aggression that the skin suffers from the environment.

Fortunately, it  is a problem that can be controlled, as there are many products and habits that, if incorporated into the daily routine, will help to minimize these effects.

Among these are six simple toning exercises that we can do anywhere.

Try it!

1. Avoid sagging face: forehead exercise

Raising the eyebrow helps prevent sagging on the face

To avoid expression lines on the forehead, it is very important to tense the skin through the daily practice of a simple exercise.

This tones the flaccid tissue and, by improving circulation,  helps to achieve an optimal process of skin oxygenation.

How to make?

  • In a place where you can completely relax, place both hands on your forehead, palms facing inwards.
  • Then stretch the skin halfway to the sides.
  • Relax for 10 seconds and repeat 10-15 times.

2. Avoid sagging on the face: eye contour exercise

By working the skin around the eyes with this toning exercise,  we can prevent and reduce uncomfortable “crow’s feet”. 

This allows for tensioning the skin and promotes the correct distribution of collagen and elastin.

How to make?

  • Bring your index fingers together with your thumbs, as when putting on a contact lens.
  • Place them around the eyes and, without pressing too hard, tense the skin from top to bottom.
  • Blink 20 times while maintaining tension, hold for 2-3 seconds and relax.

3. Avoid sagging on the face: exercise for the cheek

Woman doing exercise to avoid sagging face

The cheeks are often one of the parts of the face that most reflect the loss of elasticity and firmness.

Your skin hangs easily and  can reflect aging, even when the time is not right.

However, they can be toned and firmed, as this exercise focuses on working the muscles.

How to make?

  • Take a breath and puff your cheeks.
  • When they are well tensioned and inflated, tap them with your fingertips.
  • Hold for 10 seconds and release air gently.
  • Then twist your lips to the right side and repeat the movement to the left side.
  • Complete another 10 reps and rest.

4. Avoid sagging face: eyelid exercise

The eyelids are a sensitive area that  tends to loosen due to the loss of nutrients in the skin.

Your treatment and continuous exercise are essential, as your tissues can lose elasticity more easily than other areas.

How to make?

  • Place your index finger from the bottom of the eye to the nose.
  • Without opening your mouth, start blinking fast, trying to look at the ceiling.
  • Do the blinks for 20 or 30 seconds and complete 3 reps.

5. Avoid sagging on the face: lip contouring exercise

Opening the mouth is an exercise to avoid sagging of the face

The skin that covers the contour of the lips tends to suffer continuous aggressions  due to the sun, toxins and the components of some foods.

This is due to the fact that it is thinner and often careless in the beauty routine.

Fortunately, the exercise to tone it up is very simple and can be done several times a day.

How to make?

  • Open mouth as wide as possible, hold for 3 seconds and close.
  • Do 10 reps, 2 or 3 times.
  • Then, in front of the mirror, pronounce the vowels out loud, trying to open your mouth exaggeratedly.
  • Do another 10 reps and relax.

6. Avoid sagging on the face: exercise for the double chin

By exercising your double chin every day, you will be avoiding the sagging that causes it to become loose or inflamed.

How to make?

  • Standing or sitting in a straight chair, put your head straight and spine straight.
  • Tilt your head back, looking up at the ceiling, and move your mouth as if you were chewing some food.
  • Hold for a few seconds, return to starting position and perform 10 to 15 reps.

Want to keep your skin young and firm? Cheer up and practice these simple exercises and  use them as a complement to your cosmetic products.

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