How To Rejuvenate Your Skin And Keep It Hydrated?

The best remedy to keep our skin healthy is to give it adequate rest and sleep for at least 8 hours, so that it is always radiant.

Regular facials, skin cream, anti-aging lotions, masks, natural remedies; skin care enthusiasts try everything. But, how to rejuvenate your skin and keep it hydrated?

Even if it sounds like a lie, the simplest and most essential way to rejuvenate your skin is a restful night’s sleep of at least eight hours. Furthermore, a good night’s sleep is not only beneficial for the skin, but also for physical and mental well-being.

The best part is that the skin benefits are more easily seen when we sleep well, compared to the overall health benefits. In this article, we will understand how sleep helps us to rejuvenate our skin and obtain a healthy glow for it.

To rejuvenate your skin, let it breathe

The first step is to wash your face properly every night before bed. This will eliminate the subject and open the pores of the skin, allowing it to breathe.

If the face is not washed every night, the skin will become prone to acne and wrinkles, as the closed pores will prevent the formation of collagen in the skin, which is necessary for it to stay young.

Hydrate it before bed

to rejuvenate the skin, it is important to hydrate it before bed.

The skin tends to dry out when we sleep, so it is important that after washing the face, we apply an abundant amount of moisturizing cream.

This will block all the essential oils in the skin and keep it smooth and hydrated. When you get up in the morning, your skin will be more radiant.

pay attention to the lips

One of the striking features on the face is the lips. Dry, chapped lips are a bad sign, the best option for sensitive lips is to rub them gently every night with a toothbrush.

This will help to get rid of dead skin and cracks, making them softer and more flexible.

eye contour cream

Use an eye contour cream to rejuvenate the skin in that area

An important care with the skin before bedtime is to apply a good cream under the eyes, this can help to avoid bags and wrinkles in this area.

The skin under the eyes is thinner, so it’s important to moisturize it well with special eye creams and let them repair it.

Apply the cream using a gentle circular motion, this massage will help the cream act and rejuvenate your skin.

gentle exfoliation

Exfoliating the skin is essential, however, when we rub the skin it becomes sensitive and consequently more prone to damage and vulnerable to sunlight. The best option then is to gently exfoliate before bed to prevent this type of damage.

Hands and feet

foot sweat

When it comes to the skin, we shouldn’t just focus on the face and neck. Hands and feet are also important.

Therefore, apply body moisturizing cream on your hands and legs to keep them hydrated. This will prevent them from becoming rough and dry over time.

Another good idea is to wear socks and gloves before bed, as they will help the blood to circulate due to the grip on the feet, which helps relieve stress.

So, in addition to this tip being great for keeping your feet hydrated, it also works to relieve them. This relief will help you sleep better and overcome tiredness, which will directly influence the improvement of your skin.

don’t sleep on your stomach

Sleeping on your stomach, with your face on the pillow, accelerates the appearance of wrinkles and the aging process.

So, even if you feel comfortable in this position, try to avoid it. This position also disrupts blood circulation and makes the face more swollen and tired.

Thus, it is important to make an effort to sleep face up.

sleeping masks

If you don’t have time to moisturize or exfoliate your face before bedtime, sleep with a face mask. This can help you.

Thus, it will moisturize the skin and help open the pores. Then, after waking up, wash your face with cold water for better results.

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