How To Relieve Headache And Stress With Acupressure

The purpose of this technique is to stimulate blood circulation and relax muscles. In order for the energies to remain balanced, we must apply pressure symmetrically.
How to relieve headache and stress with acupressure

Acupressure is one of the oldest alternative therapies applied to relieve different pains. To practice acupressure, it is necessary to learn to identify and work pressure points, which are those where there are accumulations of nerves located in certain areas of our body, such as the temples. In this article, we’ll talk about how to relieve headache and stress with acupressure.

By working these areas of our body properly, we can stimulate blood circulation and relax muscles that are tense and can cause us pain.

Most common headaches usually arise as a product of stress and tension. To alleviate this problem and minimize its effects, below are some acupressure techniques that you can easily put into practice in your home.

When applying pressure to some areas of your body, you should be sure to apply the same pressure to the point on the opposite side so that an energy balance occurs.

To stimulate the area in question, you can apply firm pressure, a slow, circular massage, or stronger friction, depending on the type of physical response you want. Pressure can be applied with the fingers, knuckles, palm or thumbs.

massage the temples

The temples are located on the sides of the head, at the level of the eyebrows. To find out more exactly where they are, place your thumbs on the outside of your eyebrows and move them about an inch and a half to your head.

Once you have located them, gently press and massage the temples simultaneously, counterclockwise. This massage can be done for one minute, breathing deeply while doing it. This way, you will be able to relieve the headache and related stress.

Inner extremes of the eyebrows

Eyebrow Acupressure Techniques

Just above the bridge of the nose and at the inner ends of the eyebrows, there are two pressure points that can also help relieve headaches and stress.

In this case, applying pressure is not highly recommended, as it may feel uncomfortable. Ideally, massage your index fingers for 30 seconds to a minute.

Meeting point of the pinky with the wrist

Locate the point where your little finger and wrist meet and apply constant pressure for about 30 seconds. Apply this same pressure on both wrists and see how it will help relieve your headache and stress.

For total relaxation

If you want to fully relax, eliminate stress, and end your headache, make a fist with your left hand with your thumb over your index finger.

The acupressure point is exactly where the thumb and forefinger meet, at the top left. Once again, apply pressure for 30 seconds and repeat the same procedure with the other hand.

use your feet

relieve headache and stress with acupressure

Pressure points on the feet are connected with the organs in our body. To stimulate them and relieve headaches and stress, apply pressure to the area between your big toe and second toe.

You should use your thumb and press the top for 30 seconds or one minute.

Another option for relieving headaches and stress with acupressure is to press on the bottom of the foot behind the bone. Again, press for 30 seconds and repeat on the other foot as well.

skull base

This point serves to relieve headaches and some cold symptoms. It is necessary to place the index fingers at the base of the skull and separate them by moving them an inch (2.5 cm) to the sides, until you feel the depression in this area of ​​our body.

Simply apply pressure to these two points and massage gently for 30 seconds or one minute.

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