How To Relieve Itchy Skin

There are different reasons for the appearance of itchiness or irritation on the skin: from the rubbing of clothes to the bite of an insect, through dermatitis, eczema and fungi.
How to relieve itchy skin

When we scratch the skin, we can be filling the affected region with bacteria. For this reason it is advisable not to scratch it and use homemade and natural remedies for the treatment. Learn how to relieve itchy and irritated skin in this article!

Frequent causes of itching and irritation

  • Dry or low hydration skin
  • Lack of hygiene
  • Lack of skin exfoliation (dead cells accumulate, clogging pores)
  • excessive stress
  • Lack of vitamins or minerals due to an unbalanced diet
  • Anemia
  • excessive sweating
  • Irritation due to the use of soaps, perfumes, deodorants or creams
  • Irritation caused by certain clothes made with synthetic materials that do not allow the skin to breathe
  • Kidney and liver problems
  • Dermatitis or dermatosis
  • psoriasis or rosacea
  • Allergy
  • Fungi, Streptococci or Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Skin cancer
  • insect bites
  • Contact with certain herbs or plants
  • Climate change
  • swim in cold water
  • take a very hot shower
  • Consumption of foods that cause allergic reactions (such as shellfish or dried fruit)
  • Some medications (such as those containing penicillin or acetylsalicylic acid)
  • sun exposure
woman scratching her neck

In addition to taking care of our diet and ingesting more fresh vegetables and natural fruit juices, it is also recommended to drink water to keep the skin hydrated  and use moisturizing lotions.

But if prevention has not taken effect and the skin starts to burn and itch, the best thing we can do is to avoid scratching it : this can relieve the itchy skin at the moment, but scratching makes the itch increase and there is a risk of contamination by bacteria.

Finally, scratching can also cause permanent scars or marks and even seriously infect the affected region.

Natural Remedies to Relieve Itchy Skin

The following home remedies and recipes can relieve itchy skin:


It is the most effective herb to soothe itching because, in addition to moisturizing the skin, it helps to reduce inflammation and regenerate the dermis. To use it, prepare an infusion with a spoonful of chamomile flowers per cup of water. Allow to cool, strain and dip gauze into tea. To apply,  apply gauze or cotton over the itchy area  and you will notice immediate relief.


An excellent and very effective natural remedy to relieve itchy skin. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass of warm water. Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and place over the itchy area, pressing for a few seconds. Wash your skin well to eliminate any residue from the lemon before exposing yourself to the sun, avoiding burns.

sliced ​​lemon


Put a handful of oats in half a glass of warm water and wash your skin with this mixture. Serves to deflame and relieve itchy skin.

aloe vera

As always,  aloe vera may not make the list of home remedies for the skin. You can use creams available at health food stores or remove the gel from an aloe vera leaf (one of the essential plants in any home). It’s great for the skin when it’s very dry and right after a deep exfoliation.

Basil, mint and thyme

These three plants are excellent for itching. Prepare an infusion of any of them using the ratio of one tablespoon per cup of water. Allow to cool and use to wash the affected area, without rinsing.

Green clay

Green clay is ideal for times when you can’t stand the itch anymore and feel an overwhelming urge to scratch. Clay has the ability to cauterize and repair the skin in minutes, as well as de-inflaming the region. Apply to the skin, smearing it gently.

Let it dry and you will already feel a great relief. When dry, rinse with the chamomile infusion explained above or with a shower. Clay is also very good for certain areas of the body, such as the arms and legs.

Woman with clay mask


Mash a few pieces of onion and mix them with a few drops of lemon; when ready, prepare a paste with the mixture. Apply over the itchy region and let it act for a few minutes. Finally, rinse the area with hot water.

Sodium bicarbonate

Prepare a hot water bath and add a cup of baking soda. Stir the water well and soak for 20 minutes. This treatment is very helpful when the itching affects the entire body or a large area of ​​skin.

Witch Hazel Water:

Apply directly to the affected area and, in a matter of minutes, you will see that the itch will disappear. Repeat several times until the itching completely subsides.


An ice pack, a cold compress, or an ice cube wrapped in a cloth can be excellent “reliefs” for the itch. Cold reduces inflammation of blood vessels and relieves discomfort.

Woman putting ice on face skin


Mix a cup of cornstarch with some chamomile flowers ground into a thin fabric and apply to the affected skin area. You can do this in the bathtub or using a bucket of water, depending on the location and extent of the itch.

orange blossom water

Fill the bathtub with hot water and pour in a liter of orange blossom water. Stay 15 minutes in the bathtub. If the itch is at a specific spot, you can simply dampen a cotton swab in orange blossom water and apply.


Cut a handful of mallow leaves into thin strips and mix with butter until smooth. Grease a gauze with the mixture and apply over the affected area for a few minutes. Not only will you reduce the itching but also make your skin softer.

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