How To Remove Oil Stains From Clothes. Check Out These Tips!

So that our clothes suffer as little as possible and to make it easier to remove the oil, we should apply the chosen product as soon as possible and, if possible, with the stain still fresh.
How to remove oil stains from clothes.  Check out these tips!

Oil stains on our clothes are very frequent. Unfortunately, they are also the hardest to remove. They can occur while preparing certain foods in the kitchen or when we accidentally spill oil while eating.

One of the keys to removing oil stains from clothes is to act as soon as possible so that the fat does not have time to completely adhere to the fabric. Also, it’s good to know some homemade cleaning tricks that make this task easier without affecting the quality of the laundry. Do you want to know what they are?

Tips for removing oil stains from clothes


oil stains

It is believed that salt can remove oil stains. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Anyway, you can try:

  • The first emergency measure we should take in the face of an oil slick is to take tissue paper and rub the affected area.
  • Then, to prevent the oil from penetrating deeply into the fabric, we must rub it with plenty of salt and let it act for a few minutes.
  • Finally, we leave the garment to soak in soapy water for 30 minutes and then rinse.


The use of alcohol to remove stains is false. In fact, it can leave clothing in a worse state than it was before.

Lemon juice

oil stains

Citric acid in lemon is one of the active agents in industrialized products that eliminate grease from clothing. In fact, we can take advantage of it directly when some oily substance gets onto our favorite clothes.

  • Simply rub a lemon wedge over the stain or apply a good amount of juice over it.
  • Then soak the laundry in hot water, add soap and wash as usual.

white vinegar

Considered one of the best natural cleaning products, white vinegar is a good ally to remove even the strongest oil stains. Thanks to its natural acids, it removes the fatty substance from the fabric and leaves a feeling of softness.

  • In this case, we apply directly to the stain, wait approximately 30 minutes and rinse with warm soapy water.

powdered talc

oil stains

Although it is not convenient to use powdered talcum powder as part of body hygiene, this does not mean that we cannot use the product in other ways at home. One of its most interesting uses is as a homemade solution to remove grease that is absorbed by clothes and other surfaces in the house.

  • Just take a good amount of the product, spread it over the area, and then rub it in with a brush, very hard.

Maize starch

Cornstarch (better known as cornstarch) is a good product for absorbing grease from clothing. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. But you can check it out.

  • Its use is similar to talc, as after scrubbing clothes, we have to use a brush to remove the oil.

Sodium bicarbonate

oil stains

Due to its astringent and whitening power, baking soda is a great option for removing difficult stains, such as paint or grease. Its properties eliminate grease and remove even the most adhering dirt to the fabric.

  • To do this, just apply it directly to the greasy area and then add a little vinegar before scrubbing with the brush.


Detergent, which is used to remove grease from the dishes, is also used to remove oil stains from clothes.

  • Simply rub a small amount over the affected area and then rinse with hot water.

Now that you know several ways to remove oil from your clothes, don’t hesitate to save that piece you love so much. Try one trick at a time to avoid unwanted effects on the fabric.

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