How To Use Onion Juice To Control Hair Loss?

Thanks to honey, in addition to disguising the onion odor, we contribute extra nutrients to the hair, take care of our scalp and promote hair growth.
How to use onion juice to control hair loss?

Hair loss or hair loss is one of the aesthetic problems that most affects men and women around the world. Onion juice is one of the natural alternatives that is becoming popular for its effectiveness in controlling this condition.

The properties of onion juice slow down the fall, fight dandruff, fungal infections and dryness.

There are many factors that can trigger this hair problem, including from very early ages; luckily, there are also many treatments and products that can be helpful in restoring it.

Be sure to try it!

Why use onion juice to control hair loss?

Hair grows from hair follicles in the scalp, which serve as a means of absorbing nutrients when there is not adequate blood circulation in the area.

Onion juice contains a sulfurous substance known as allicin, which is responsible for stimulating circulation to the scalp so that the hair grows without problems.

It also has an antiseptic and antibacterial action that helps to deeply clean the follicles to prevent the development of fungus and bacteria associated with weakness and shedding.

Another cause of thinning and hair loss has to do with the oxidative stress caused by free radicals and the depletion of a natural antioxidant known as catalase.

When this natural juice extends to the entire scalp, levels of this antioxidant increase and inhibit the action of these contaminating molecules.

Without a doubt, the main advantage of this natural resource is that it can be done at home, with very little budget and the results are amazing.

Best of all, it can be used as a preventative remedy to compensate for the damage the hair suffers from the environment or the use of inappropriate elements.

How to prepare onion juice to fight hair loss?

The use of this vegetable on hair is safe, does not cause side effects and does not involve chemicals.

It is a 100% natural formula that can be used at least twice a week to promote the growth and volume of the highlights.


  • 3 onions


  • 1 blender or extractor

What should be done?

  • Peel the required number of onions, in this case three, cut them and take them to a blender or extractor.
  • Without adding water or other product, process everything very well until you get a pure onion juice.

Treatment with onion juice for hair

Although onion juice can be applied alone, it is always best to combine it with ingredients such as honey to lessen its penetrating odor and maximize its effects.

You will need:

  • ΒΌ cup of onion juice (62 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)

What should you do?

  • Mix the spoonfuls of honey with the onion juice, making sure everything is well mixed.

Application mode

  • You can start by setting aside just 15 minutes a day for treatment.
  • Moisten the hair and apply the product with a gentle massage all over the scalp.
  • Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse with the shampoo you normally use.
  • Another option is to leave it on all night covered with a cap and rinse the next morning.

treatment time

  • For good results it is essential to apply this product at least twice a week.
  • So, if you can use it every day for two months in a row, it will be much better.

By incorporating this great natural remedy into your beauty routine, you’ll soon notice that your tresses will start to look stronger, shiny and fuller.

It is good to clarify that the results vary from person to person and, in some, may take a little longer.

The most important thing is to be constant in your application and complement it with the adoption of a diet rich in essential nutrients to promote growth.

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