Is It Advisable To Apply Sunscreen In The City?

Although we are in the city, applying sunscreen is essential to take care of the skin and prevent unwanted blemishes and even burns.
Is it advisable to apply sunscreen in the city?

In summer, the sun’s rays are stronger, so you must protect your skin. Before going out, apply sunscreen in town and protect your skin during the season.

The sun’s rays in summer fall more perpendicularly to the planet. Thus, at noon, UV radiation can be 8 or 9 times greater than at 9 am. From 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, the sun’s rays are more intense. That’s why when you’re walking around town, you should also protect your skin.

There are products, like sunscreens, that protect the skin from harmful rays. When the skin feels that UV rays hit it, it starts generating melanin, a protein that “transforms” almost all the UV radiation that hits it into heat.

In summer, the heat and the sun’s rays intensify, as the summer solstice warms the Earth more. No matter where you are, in paria or in the city, the radiations will be strong and with greater reach.

Enjoy the season while walking around the city, however, don’t forget to apply sunscreen to take care of your skin.

Here you will know why it is advisable to use this cream before going out.

Protect your skin from the sun’s rays

Use sunscreen in the city

The application of sunscreens is recommended because they protect the skin from sunlight and airborne particles. You should apply sunscreen 30 minutes before being exposed to the sun, even if you are in the city, because the sun will be intense.

Although the sun exposure is greater on the beach, in the city it can affect the same way. With the daily tasks and hustle and bustle of the city, you don’t even think about the sun’s rays on your skin. However, you must be careful and protect it.

Remember to use sunscreen. Apply the cream to the face, arms, back and areas of the body exposed to sunlight.

Avoid burns and use sunscreen in the city

In town you will be dressed in comfortable clothes during the summer. Some garments, such as jeans or thick fabrics, can cause skin burns. The friction of the skin with the fabric and sweat will cause irritation.

Sunscreen will prevent burns. You may be dressed, but clothing does not guarantee skin protection. Furthermore, summer is a season for us to feel fresh and comfortable. The solution, without a doubt, is to apply sunscreen.

Keep your skin moisturized

Sunscreen in the city protects and moisturizes

When you apply sunscreen, your skin will be hydrated and healthy. Remember to check the product’s protection factor and whether it fits your skin type. Take care of your skin, applying the protector every day before going out.

The chemicals in sunscreen take some time to adhere to your skin, so you should use the cream in advance. Also use sunscreen for your lips to keep them hydrated and prevent them from getting dry and cracked. On the lips, the protector should be applied about 45 or 60 minutes before going out in the sun.

When using sunscreen in the city, you will avoid clothing marks on your skin

By using sunscreen every day in the city, you will avoid the appearance of unwanted tanning marks. If you wear a sleeveless shirt or shorts, the sun’s rays can burn and tan your skin.

The tan that marks the outfit doesn’t look good, so you’ll have to cover those parts. Marks on the straps of the dress, sandals or the half-tanned arm are unsightly.

protect your face from the sun

Sunscreen will be the shield for your face, so apply the cream before heading out on the town. The skin on your face is more vulnerable and you should take care of the sun’s rays.

Remember to wear glasses in town as they will protect your eyes from the sun’s rays. Also, by applying sunscreen to the face, we will prevent the glasses from getting marked.

Walk around the city in peace and feel protected using sunscreen. You can take a walk, go to work or see your friends, enjoy the moment without, however, neglecting your skin.

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