Is It Normal To Go To The Bathroom A Lot At Night?

Having to get up at night to go to the bathroom to urinate can be a problem if we are forced to do it more than twice a night. This interrupts the sleep cycle and we wake up more tired, which, in the long run, will negatively affect our quality of life.

This disease is called “nicturia” and, although it is frequent, especially in older people, it can also be suffered by younger people due to very specific health problems.

Today we want to talk about this so common “night disorder” to inform about its possible causes, but remember that, in the face of any doubt or any problem, we should consult a doctor.

Why do I feel like going to the bathroom to urinate at night?

go to the bathroom at night

It’s not pleasant having to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and alleviate this sudden urge to urinate that interrupts our rest. Doctors tell us that this problem is very common, especially in men between 55 and 70 years of age.

It is usually due to “prostate hyperplasia”, a disease in which the size of the prostate itself enlarges and partially obstructs the urethra, so that the bladder can never completely empty itself,  causing the constant need to urinate.

Now, in the case of women, the reasons, obviously, have very different origins and are almost always associated with certain diseases that, in general, and for our peace of mind, are usually not very serious. Despite this, we have to be aware of their symptoms and, in particular, be aware that getting up more than twice a night to go to the bathroom every day is not a normal thing.

Now let’s see what the causes might be:


It is common for people who suffer from insomnia to feel the need to go to the bathroom several times. It is not a symptom of any disease and does not mean a serious problem, being a very characteristic thing in people who have difficulty in falling asleep.

overactive bladder

This type of pathology is very common among older women and, in general, it can be associated with several diseases such as, for example, a simple cystitis, type 2 diabetes or, it is even possible to suffer from an overactive bladder later on. of having suffered a stroke. As we said, it is a common pathology in older people and that it derives, in turn, from other diseases.


Suffering from cystitis is more common in younger people and especially in women. There are times when we suddenly feel the urge to go to the bathroom more often, and when we urinate, we either feel pain or feel that we haven’t completely empty our bladder.

To treat a cystitis it is first necessary to know what is its cause, which can be a simple infection derived from some bacteria or even a kidney problem. It will always be your doctor who will diagnose the problem and offer the most appropriate treatment for you.

Certain Remedies

It’s another factor you should take into account. There are many medications that stimulate urination, which in turn produce some bladder inflammation or kidney disease. If you follow any treatment, never neglect the side effects or symptoms they may cause. When in doubt, consult your doctor.


The presence of glucose in the blood results in an increase in urine, dehydration, sweating and, above all, nocturia. Never overlook these symptoms, especially if getting up between 3 and 6 times a night is a habit in your life. Don’t overlook this problem.

Drinking a lot of fluids throughout the day

It’s not very important and, without a doubt, it’s something very specific. There are days when we drink a little more water, soft drinks or juices. It’s even possible that at some party you drank a little more alcohol. All of this makes us have to get up more often at night to go to the bathroom “to get rid of” all that liquid.

As we said, it is a very specific thing and, in general, it does not present complications, as it only occurs during one night.

Things to consider if you go to the bathroom often

health woman

It is also important to be aware of these signs, which will serve to tell your doctor and determine if the problem is more or less serious. Take note:

  • When did you start suffering from nocturia? Is it a specific thing or do you suffer from it every night?
  • How often do you get up to urinate at night?
  • How much fluid do you usually drink before bedtime?
  • Are your feet very swollen? Are you very thirsty? Do you get sick during the day? (Symptoms of kidney problems or diabetes).
  • What medication do you usually take?
  • Is this problem also suffered by your parents? By your brothers?
  • What other symptoms have you noticed lately? Back pain? Pain in the abdomen?
  • Does it interfere with your night’s rest having to go to the bathroom to urinate? Wake up too tired?

With your answers, your doctor will already have a good picture of your situation. Take care of yourself!

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