Is It Possible To Get Sick Wearing Certain Clothes?

Did you know that some fabrics or clothing-related habits make us sick? Do not believe? Then read the following article! Be aware that inside our closet may be our worst enemies, the quietest ones there are.

Consequences of wearing clothes too tight

The clothes are not to blame for being too tight, but it’s good to know that it’s possible to get sick wearing certain clothes that are too tight, in addition to causing discomfort and we can suffer serious consequences.

A burning or pain in the stomach right after meals can be the result of clothing that doesn’t stretch enough. Certain fabrics don’t sag as much as others, so by the time you’re sitting down to eat, you might want to unbutton a shirt button or even wear your belt a little looser.

That way you will feel more comfortable and digestion will take place better. You may eat more, but the bloated feeling will not appear.

Tight belts can make you sick

Among the diseases that appear that can appear because of tight belts, we have, for example:

  • constipation,
  • the ulcers,
  • the stomach pain,
  •  the nausea
  • and the stomach acidity

Tight shirts could be the reason for your shortness of breath

Shallow breathing, that is, poor air intake to the lungs can happen because of tight shirts. If you get very tired and can’t do anything without feeling fatigued or a headache, it may be because of a lack of oxygen in your body.

Allow your lungs, rib cage (chest), and belly to expand each time you breathe.

We also recommend reading: Ecological soaps for washing clothes

Tight pants cause cellulite and more severe problems

Does cellulite bother you? So stop wearing jeans that tighten your thighs! Doctors point out that the most painful problem that arises as a result of tight pants is called “meralgia paresthetica”.

It is a compression of the nerves in the legs and the symptoms are tingling, numbness and burning on the outside of the thigh, it can also cause spasms and a lot of pain in the region. It is a common affliction in those people who spend the entire day sitting. The ideal is to use another type of fabric, such as linen or cotton.

Another consequence for those who work very sedentary is the swelling or swelling of the legs and ankles. Even though these symptoms are directly related to lack of movement, the use of tight pants or socks can worsen the condition, as they do not allow the free circulation of blood.

There are rest socks (like those used on long plane journeys) so that this doesn’t happen.


On the other hand, we can suffer irritation, rashes and infections, such as fungus, from wearing wet clothing for a long time. For example, on a hot day, we arrive at the office sweaty. As the hours go by and the use of the air conditioning, the shirt, pants and underwear dry.

However, before that, the humidity created a perfect environment for fungi to proliferate, for example. This happens in the feet, groin and armpits.

At the same time, clothes that take a long time to dry when we are wearing them can cause us illnesses such as the flu. It is then necessary to wear light-colored cotton clothes so that they absorb moisture and, at the same time, dry body sweat.

Shoes can cause some discomfort

On the one hand, we have heels, which cause a lot of problems for women’s feet and spine. On the other hand, some very tight shoes can be the perfect place for fungal growth (athlete’s foot) or cause problems such as back pain and plantar fasciitis.

The best shoes are sports shoes, when we have to go to work we can choose one that doesn’t squeeze the foot so much and lets you move easily.

It is possible to get sick because of the way you wash your clothes.

This doesn’t mean that we don’t have to wash clothes, but that we pay attention to certain details. We start with the task of cleaning clothes, something we do daily in our house.

According to a study by the University of Arizona, it is not good to combine socks and underwear with other items of clothing when washing them in the washing machine.


This is because these garments contain certain inherent bacteria that can spread to other clothes. It is true that when washing, many of these micro-organisms disappear, but not all. Germs such as Salmonella and Escherichia coli resist all wash cycles, especially cold and warm water.

On the other hand, washing underwear with washing powder and fabric softener can cause rashes, itching and eczema in the genital area, for example. Some tips for washing not to make you sick:

  • Use hot water in your wash cycles.
  • Wash underwear separately.
  • Try washing underwear and socks with mild soap.
  • If you go to a laundry, do not use the underwear washers.
  • Wash your hands soon after handling dirty laundry.

Drying clothes can also cause certain illnesses.

A BBC report indicates that, nowadays, houses have a lot of humidity in their interiors due to the habit of drying clothes.

Even though today’s washing machines leave clothes almost dry, they can retain some moisture, which is associated with the proliferation of mold spores and dust mites, which affect our health.

When we dry clothes indoors, for example, when it rains or we don’t have a balcony or backyard, this moisture stays in the environment and the microorganisms that proliferate because of the humidity are vacuumed by the people who live in the house, causing diseases, mainly respiratory and infectious diseases.

To avoid getting sick, be sure to dry your clothes in a dryer or even buy ones that work with dry heat.

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