Is It True That Breastfeeding Helps You Lose Weight?

Studies claim that breastfeeding, in addition to strengthening the relationship between mother and child, helps to lose weight. Of course, this shouldn’t be the only action taken to lose weight, although it can make the process easier.
Is it true that breastfeeding helps you lose weight?

Losing weight after pregnancy is one of the biggest concerns for women. Regaining the body we had before can become an obsession, so knowing that breastfeeding helps you lose weight is a really interesting fact.

Some women try not to eat too much during pregnancy, which can lead to deficiencies in nutrients vital  to the developing fetus. However, being overweight during and after pregnancy is also a result of hormonal, emotional and physical changes typical of this special phase.

How many pounds are considered overweight?

woman weighing herself

If what you put on weight doesn’t exceed 5 kilos, you shouldn’t worry, your body will adapt to the daily routine. It is very likely that in the first semester after giving birth you will regain your former form. However, if you gained more than 10 pounds during pregnancy, it is important that you change some aspects.

How to get rid of those extra pounds?

An exercise routine helps you burn calories. Lowering your intake of certain carbohydrate-rich foods is another way to lose weight.

But we have good news,  breastfeeding is not only essential for your baby’s good development, but also a very efficient way to discharge extra energy from your body  instead of storing it as fat.

Breastfeeding is a process in which a large amount of energy is invested, about 500 calories a day. As a point of comparison, we could say that jumping the rope consumes 510 calories. Obviously, it all depends on the intensity with which each exercise is done.

When we breastfeed there are no intensities, so losing weight while feeding the baby is doubly satisfying.

Breastfeeding helps you lose weight:  M ito or reality?

baby sucking

A study at Oxford University determined that breastfeeding helps you lose weight. The study included a survey of more than 700,000 women and confirmed that, effectively,  breastfeeding is equivalent to burning an average of 500 calories more per day. 

The researchers also reported that the  breastfeeding helps prevent breast cancer and some heart problems. It is important to note that you should consult a nutrition expert because you must maintain the amount of nutrients needed by your body.

Certainly, breastfeeding  helps to lose weight, but it is a very slow process (1 kilogram every 6 months). Therefore, it is always recommended to follow a balanced diet. Consume protein such as chicken breast or turkey breast, beef and chickpeas.

It is also recommended to  increase the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as moderate the consumption of pasta, flour and carbohydrates. Avoid processed foods, high in sugar or with an excess of preservatives.

How does breastfeeding influence baby’s growth?

A few years ago, the Ibero-American Society for Scientific Information published the results of years of research on the effects of breastfeeding during the first six months of life. This study determined that children breastfed for more than six months developed a higher cognitive level.

Breastfeeding is linked to greater intellectual and motor development, as well as language and memory skills. Breast milk contains bioactive substances, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential for brain development. Therefore, it is associated with the development of the central nervous system.

In addition, it  acts as a protective agent against childhood obesity,  making the difference between breastfed babies and those who took formula milk.

General considerations

mother breastfeeding her child

When you breastfeed your baby, nipple stimulation influences the release of oxytocin, a hormone that produces contractions that help the uterus regain its original size and help your body get back into shape.

You also shouldn’t infer that, when breastfeeding, you can exceed your intake of sweets, fats, and other high-calorie foods. Exercise moderately between each feeding. They will help you lose weight, tone and improve circulation, thus preventing fluid retention.

While lying down,  lift your legs a little and draw small circles with your toes. Do sets of 10, first to the right and then to the left.

A variation on the above exercise is to exert tension by putting the toes up and down. Hold each position for 5 seconds and relax by alternating each leg.

In addition, it  is essential that you get enough rest and recharge the energy needed for the postpartum routine. Check these recommendations with your specialist.

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