Is Sleeping With Mom Good Or Bad For Kids?

A shared bed during childhood can have many health benefits for babies. However, opinions are inconclusive when it comes to older children.
Is sleeping with the mother good or bad for children?

With the birth of a child, there are as many doubts as there are minutes in a day. Every moment presents a decision and we always find opinions for and against us. However, scientific studies can shed some light on different topics. One of them is the possible benefits or harms of the child sleeping with his mother.

In this article, we offer different perspectives on this topic. It is important to keep in mind that a large number of variables must be considered, such as the child’s age and cultural and socioeconomic issues. Keep reading to learn more!

Do children benefit from sleeping with their mother?

when are babies

baby sucking
For babies, the shared bed favors breastfeeding at night.

Studies widely agree on the best positions for placing the baby at bedtime and reduce the risk of sudden death. However, there are different opinions about where the baby should sleep. 

In some cases, the risks of sharing a bed with the mother are highlighted, as in the case of the parents being smokers or because of the chances of suffocation. On the other hand, there is a reduction in risks when sleeping in the same room but not in the same bed.

What we can highlight is the  great advantage that sharing a room or bed offers to the mother when it comes to breastfeeding the baby. Therefore, sleeping with the mother favors breastfeeding.

when are children

Most studies of bed-sharing refer to the first months or years of life. At later stages, they seem heavily conditioned by cultural or socioeconomic issues.

According to these same data, there is no important relationship between sleeping with the mother and the cognitive abilities or behavior of children. The age that is taken as a reference is 5 years.

Taking these factors into account, it is stated that  it is not the same thing when the mother decides to share a bed with the child willingly and when she does so because of a problem in the domestic space. This also causes variability in results, as do situations where the bed is temporarily shared, such as when the child has trouble sleeping.

So, sleep with mom or dad, yes or no?

children's sleep
There are conflicting opinions about the benefits and harms of sleeping with parents.

Possible positive aspects

  • Promotes the bond  between mother and child.
  • There is more time for the family to be together when this is usually not possible during the day.
  • Regulates children’s breathing.
  • It helps, in some specific cases, to alleviate children’s sleep problems.
  • It can improve stress tolerance and improve children’s self-esteem.

Possible negative aspects

  • It can increase sleep problems in children, especially if the parents suffer from insomnia or sleep interruptions at night.
  • It can impair the ability to socialize and autonomy.
  • In some cases, it can increase parental distress.

In any case, studies generally do not recommend sleeping together from 5 or 6 years of age onwards. Of course, this will always depend on each mother and child, as each situation is different.

However,  the transition process can be gradual.  You can alternate days or start by placing a bed next to the parent.

Tips for children to sleep better

First,  the habit of  watching television at night, before bed, reduces sleep hours. It would be preferable to do other activities, such as reading a story or talking with the family for a while. Massages are also a good option for nervous children.

Second, it is important that dinners are balanced and complete. We should avoid foods that can alter or stimulate them, which would make sleep difficult. We must not consume sugar or cocoa, for example, nor their derivatives.

Conclusion about sleeping with mom or dad

Is sleeping with the mother beneficial?
There are as many habits as children and families.

In this article it became clear that, once again, in parenting family matters, it is always difficult to speak in general terms. The decisions parents make always bring benefits and harms.

Each family and each person is a difficult world to classify  in matters such as education, love or patience. In addition, each child always presents new challenges that parents will overcome with the experience.

And you, do you think the child should sleep with the mother? The debate can yield a lot of subject and there are opinions for all tastes.

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