Learn How To Contribute To Atopic Dermatitis Relief

All skin problems must be cared for carefully following all recommendations, as the environment is very polluted and this can make it difficult to alleviate such diseases.
Learn how to contribute to the relief of atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is very common and the number of people with this type of condition increases every year. This disease starts at very early ages, what we mean is that it affects babies and children and, less frequently, adults.

In children it usually appears on the face and flexion areas such as the elbows, knees, the inside of the wrist or on the scalp, as well as on the legs and buttocks.

It is said that it may be a hereditary condition,  what we mean is that, if any of the parents suffered from the problem, the most likely is that the child will also develop it.

In this article we will tell you a little more about atopic dermatitis and we will also bring you some  natural remedies that can be very helpful in alleviating its symptoms. 

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis

The symptoms of atopic dermatitis are quite noticeable and recognizable to the naked eye, so identifying them will be very easy. These are:

  • Dry skin
  • Rough or scaly appearance
  • reddening
  • very itchy
  • Softening bubbles
  • crusts
  • Inflammation in the area

It is very important to avoid scratching them to avoid wounds and prevent the risk of infection. It is a constitutional form of dry skin with little water and fat, which is why it flakes and becomes irritated very easily.

Atopic dermatitis differs from seborrheic and contact dermatitis, as an itching appears. Seborrhoea only appears on the scalp, sometimes on the chin and chest, and contact seborrheic is caused by allergic substances.


As we said before, its greatest development is due to genetic issues.

It is suspected that it occurs due to a lack of protein and a  reduction in the concentration of essential fatty acids in the skin,  which increases its sensitivity, but the exact reason is still unknown.

However, there are certain environmental, allergic and dietary factors, and even some items of clothing, that further trigger the disease and aggravate it.


  • Choose alcohol and paraben free perfumes and creams. Use hypoallergenic makeup.
  • Avoid prolonged baths or showers,  as well as very hot water, as this favors the appearance of lesions. Bathe in warm water only once a day and dry yourself gently, without rubbing the towel.
  • Get away from stress. Frequent annoyances, situations of frustration, nervousness, stress or constant situations of shame are factors that predispose the onset of outbreaks. Use relaxation techniques to control these states.
  • Moisturize the skin on your face and body daily. Also, you can alleviate itchiness or discomfort if you apply moisturizer cold (by storing it in the refrigerator).
  • Wear 100% cotton clothing. Wool and synthetic fibers promote the appearance of skin lesions.
  • Use soaps with a neutral pH. These benefit sensitive skin care.
  • Wash new clothes to eliminate residues that may be contained in them, due to the products used in their manufacture.
  • Trim the nails of children and babies to prevent scratches.
  • Maintain a mild room temperature, that is, avoid extreme temperatures, both in winter and summer, and  try to be in cool environments. 

Natural Remedies for Atopic Dermatitis


It is the most effective herb to soothe itching because it moisturizes and repairs the skin and helps to lower inflammation.


  • 3 chamomile flowers
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Put the water in a container and heat it.
  • When it is boiling, add the flowers and cook for another two minutes.
  • Remove from stove, strain and let stand.
  • Moisten a clean towel in the preparation and start applying it over the affected area.

aloe vera

As always, aloe vera can’t be missing from a list of home remedies for the skin. Due to its properties, it  refreshes and moisturizes the skin, helping to deflate and relieve burning  and itching.

How to prepare?

  • We must obtain the crystal from an aloe vera leaf and process it in a blender until we get a gel.
  • Apply the gel to the affected area, and within minutes notice the difference.
  • It is recommended to repeat the procedure 3 times a day, avoiding rinsing so that the effect lasts longer.

cucumber mask

Cucumber is the quintessential natural ingredient for reducing skin inflammation. Its anti-inflammatory and diuretic compounds support the elimination of fluid  to restore its normal state.

Cucumber mask helps to relieve atopic dermatitis


  • ½ cucumber

Method of preparation

  • Whisk the cucumber half in a blender until juiced and refrigerate for two hours.
  • Then  spread it cold all over the affected area.
  • Let it act for 20 minutes and rinse.

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