Learn How To Prevent Dehydration

Summer is here and the effect of global warming is being reflected around the world: very hot or very cold days. Both situations bring concerns. But heat brings a problem that deserves our attention: dehydration.
Know how to avoid dehydration

Dehydration is the excessive loss of water from the body, accompanied by the loss of mineral and organic salts.

Some symptoms

Dehydration is a more common problem than you might think. Large numbers of people often arrive at hospitals with complaints of weakness, malaise, dry mouth and skin, as well as difficulty breathing and dizziness.

If this happens to you, seek medical attention immediately, as the possibility that you are dehydrated is enormous due to the high temperatures in summer. 

Symptoms that deserve special attention are low blood pressure, tachycardia and dizziness. In these cases, the patient must be immediately referred to a health facility.

How does it happen?

With heat, fluid loss is inevitable. However, your body needs the necessary replacement.  Sweating, tears and urine are some of the factors that can trigger dehydration if the amount of fluid is not properly replenished in the body.

Dehydration can be classified into different levels: mild, moderate and severe. The latter, if left untreated, can lead to death.

Factors that increase the likelihood of dehydration

According to studies already carried out, some factors are more conducive to the incidence of dehydration.

See what they are next:

  •  Have bladder infection or kidney stone
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding phase
  •  exposure to hot weather
  • Exercise practice
  • have fever or diarrhea
  • To vomit
  • try to lose weight
the dehydration

Important Tips to Avoid Dehydration

Drink lots of water and eat fruit. Two excellent options are watermelon and melon, as they are rich in water and, for this reason, help with hydration.

In addition, don’t be exposed to the sun for a long time, avoid alcoholic drinks, don’t exaggerate in the physical exercises and prefer light clothes.

Homemade serum also helps fight dehydration, in addition to being a quick and practical solution.

Know how to do it:

In a glass of filtered and boiled water, dilute a pinch of salt and three pinch of sugar. Mix well.

Offer the dehydrated person freely, every 20 minutes, and after each stool if there is diarrhea.

It is noteworthy that consulting a trained professional becomes essential, even in simpler cases. Each person has a different picture and only a doctor can correctly assess and indicate the best treatment.

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