Learn To Cleanse Your Face With Natural Oils And Discover Their Benefits

If you have very oily skin, maybe a mask with natural oils is not the best option to moisturize, but it can still be a great solution to remove makeup.
Learn to cleanse your face with natural oils and discover its benefits

If you want to have brighter, well-hydrated skin, natural oils can be your best allies. Write down these recommendations and discover the benefits of cleansing your face with oils. Even if you don’t believe it, we guarantee there are many.

Although oil has always been considered a product that we should avoid in the cosmetic industry, the truth is that it has multiple benefits and can be of great help in our facial care.

Obviously, drier skins can afford to use these oils on a daily basis. For normal skin, two or three times a week will be enough.

If you have mixed or oily skin, you can use the oil as a form of cleansing solution or as a weekly “maintenance”.

It can also be helpful when your skin needs a shock treatment, such as after a night of partying when you’ve applied too much makeup.

What are the best natural oils to clean your face?

natural-oils-face mask

When it comes to facial care, not all oils are valid. In this sense, the best ones are those of a vegetable nature and essential oils, never minerals.

These are the ones that are used to moisturize the skin of babies, and it’s not that they are bad or toxic, but they are not suitable for the skin of adults.

Benefits of natural oils for the skin


Among the benefits that applying vegetable oil to the skin can have is to nourish the dermis as it deserves and also to let it breathe.

And even though there are other substances that can be equally moisturizing, the only thing they can do is block it, which can end up causing acne.

In addition, you will notice that your skin will gain luminosity and shine, leaving it not dull. The important thing is that you take into account your skin type and use natural oils in their proper measure.

Also, contrary to what you might think in the past, these natural products will not stain your face, nor will they cause pimples, cysts or blackheads.

This can occur due to hormonal issues, bacteria, accumulation of dead skin cells or the sum of these factors.

In addition, you will see yourself that the skin produces oils naturally, because it needs them to function properly.

Therefore, the oil also protects, heals and hydrates your skin so that it can fulfill its functions. When you apply it, you’ll work with your skin, not against it, and you’ll get visible benefits.

Below, we’ll tell you how to prepare a solution from three vegetable oils that will be very effective for taking care of your dermis.


  • Small bottle for mixing
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Castor oil
  • 2 or 3 drops of tea tree essential oil (optional)


  • To make the mixture in question, you will need to pour equal parts of olive oil and castor oil into a jar.
  • Add two or three drops of tea tree essential oil. Thus, you will be able to give this mixture potent bactericidal and healing properties, which will make it much more effective.
  • Shake the contents of the bottle well before each use.

Application mode

  • To apply it to the dermis, it is best to make circular motions for a few seconds to maximize the cleansing effect.
  • Another possibility that might work is to use some cotton pads soaked in warm water, and leave them for a minute on your skin.
  • With the same cotton pads, you can remove the product from the face, always with circular movements.
  • To finish off, just wipe your face with a soft towel and apply the toner.
  • It is a perfect solution to remove makeup, since, in addition to being efficient, it is 100% natural.
  • If you have oily skin, you can use it daily, but don’t forget to wash your skin with a good soap as well.

Suggestions depending on the type of skin

  • If you have oily skin, we recommend trying a mixture of 30% castor oil and 70% olive oil.
  • If your skin is normal, it is best to try a mixture of 20% castor oil and 80% olive oil.
  • Lastly, if your skin is mixed, a mixture of 10% castor with 90% olive is most recommended. So easy.

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