Learn To Listen To Your Body

We cannot ignore what our body tells us, as it has all the answers to our sensations. Don’t repress your emotions: listen to your insides and let them come to you.
Learn to listen to your body

How often do we ignore our body’s pains and alerts? How many times do we let physical and emotional discomfort pass by, without giving our body the attention it deserves? Our body is extremely wise, we need to learn to listen to what it says to live in a more balanced and healthy way.

This is the subject of today’s article. The idea is to promote reflection on the way we take care of ourselves and our bodies, this machine is so perfect that it performs an intricate combination of functions on a daily basis to keep us walking through life in the best possible way.

Our body and physical conditions

listen to the body

To listen to our body, we can start with the basics : if we are thirsty, we should drink water; if we are hungry, we should eat something; if we want to go to the bathroom, we must do it as soon as possible.

Most people respect this type of signal sent by the human body; however, some other alerts are often ignored.

Tiredness is usually one of them. In the midst of stress and the countless activities and responsibilities that are part of our daily lives, we often do not respect our body’s requests for a period of rest.

We know that it’s difficult to include rest in the routine, even on weekends, but this is something we should try harder to achieve.

Recognize signs and respect limits

Not respecting our body’s tiredness can further increase stress levels and impair the body’s functioning in general, and influencing, among other things, immunity levels. Thus, we are much more susceptible to various illnesses.

Another sign that is often ignored is some pain that arises frequently, such as muscle pain.

Many people overdo their exercise, for example, and continue to exert a lot of effort even when the body tells them it can’t take it anymore.  This type of behavior can lead to injuries, and should be avoided.

In addition, we need to be aware of various types of discomfort that can arise, such as headaches and migraines, digestive problems such as abdominal bloating, gas and constipation, joint pain, etc.

We know that, at one time or another, it is normal to suffer from this type of pain. However, the moment they become a constant and chronic in our lives, it is necessary to see a doctor to better understand what may be happening.

Our body and the emotional environment

Listen to your body and respect your emotions

Emotional health is much more related to physical health than we might imagine. When we are sad, nervous or angry, these feelings can be reflected in body aches. This mainly occurs when we repress our feelings and emotions.

Repressing our emotions is one of the worst things we can do, damaging not only our emotional health, but also our physical ones.

If you feel like crying, cry. Tears are an excellent remedy for calming and releasing sadness. If you’re angry, find a way to let it out.

We are not talking about choosing someone and yelling at that person, releasing all your anger, but rather finding a way to express this feeling in a healthy way, whether through a hobby or doing some physical activity. A boxing class, for example, can be an excellent option.

What matters is not repressing emotions, as this will contribute to making us sick in the future.

It is not possible to repress them forever and eventually all the bad things that we have stored inside of us will break free, with a much greater force and more harmful to both us and those around us.

Listen to your body and ease the emotions you are always feeling. Let them vent and respect them. Only then can you live in harmony with your body.

Tools to help your body listen

While there is no step-by-step guide to listening to your body, some advice can help with this goal.

One of them is the practice of meditation. Set this time to “meet” with yourself. Be aware of your breathing, your heartbeat, feel your body in all its details.

Try to relax and reduce stress as much as possible. Relaxation and breathing exercises and techniques can help with this goal, in addition to activities involving body awareness such as yoga and tai chi chuan.

Another piece of advice that, although less common, can also be very helpful, is keeping a journal. Write down your daily sensations, both physical and emotional, changes in mood, sleep quality, any pain, etc. Record the signals your body sends.

We often forget about possible pains and sensations we felt before. Keeping a journal allows us to “go back in time” and read everything again in our own words. Thus, we can identify signs that have become more frequent without us noticing.

Remember: it pays to listen to your body to live in a more balanced and well-being way.

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