Magnetic Eyelashes: Advantages And Tips For Safe Use

Magnetic eyelashes are the new alternative to beautify the eyes and achieve a striking and impressive look. The best part is that they are easy to put on and cheap.
Magnetic eyelashes: advantages and tips for safe use

Currently there are several products, treatments and techniques to improve the volume, length, quantity and curvature of eyelashes. Some of them are false eyelashes, eyelash extensions and the new trend: magnetic eyelashes.

Although false eyelashes are the first option to beautify the look, many women have abandoned this technique. The reason is allergies and infections caused by the glue needed to adhere to the eyelid.

However, magnetic eyelashes are fixed without the need to use any substance, as they contain very small magnets that adhere to any magnetized surface. If you want to keep learning about this new fashion that is here to stay, keep reading this article!

What are magnetic eyelashes?

Magnetic eyelashes are strips of hair that can be natural or synthetic. They contain two or five very small rectangular magnets that allow them to adhere to a magnetized surface. As with previous embellishment options, you can choose the length and thickness of the strap.

Magnetic eyelashes adapt easily to any eye, regardless of size.

magnetic eyelashes

How are magnetic eyelashes placed?

Attaching magnetic lashes is a simple process that requires patience, but it’s just a matter of practice. Currently, there are two placement procedures. They are as follows:

  • The first is to use two magnetic strips for the lashes and attach them to the natural lashes. That is, your own lashes must be between the two strips of magnets.
  • The second is to apply a gel liner with magnets on the eyelid, and then put on the eyelash strip.

To remove them, the process is even easier. Just pull the straps with your fingers. Then you must save them for reuse.

two-strand eyelashes

This variety consists of two strips of hair for each eye, containing micro magnets. First, place the upper strap over the base of the eyelid. Once fixed, put the strip below joining with the top, leaving the natural lashes in the middle.

While this procedure can be complicated, there are tools to make it easier. There are magnetized tweezers that allow you to place the strips on the magnets to place them in the eye.


Magnetic eyelashes have multiple advantages compared to other products on the market (eg eyelash extension and wires placed one by one). Among its benefits are the following:

  • No need for glue : women who avoid using false eyelashes because the glue causes allergies or damages the skin can use them with magnets.
  • Easy to apply and remove : while false eyelashes and extensions require technique and tools for their placement, magnetic ones can be applied without prior knowledge of the subject and using only your fingers. It is not necessary to hire a specialist or go to a beauty center.
  • Natural finish : sometimes eyelash products, instead of enhancing the look, overload making it look artificial. This is not the case with magnetic eyelashes.
  • They are cheap : compared to the service of applying eyelash extensions, the magnetized ones can cost a third of the value.
  • We can reuse them : about 20 times.

How to use them safely?

Although using these products with a magnet will not cause eye interference, it is extremely important to be careful not to be subject to infection. In addition, proper use allows you to prolong the life of your eyelashes.

Here are suggestions to consider for magnetic eyelash placement:

  • Do not share them with anyone else as eye infections such as conjunctivitis can be transmitted by the strips.
  • Keep eyelashes indoors, away from dust and moisture.
  • You can use makeup or mascara on your eyes after applying your lashes, but not before.
  • Wash your hands to prevent eye infections.
  • After use, it is necessary to clean them with micellar water to remove the traces of makeup and dust.
  • If you have an eye infection, do not use magnetic eyelashes. They can cause more irritation and become contaminated.
  • Applying the lashes in an agitated environment can cause them to not set properly and can even cause injury.
  • Do not use them if you have to have an MRI. This method relies on a powerful magnet that could pull them out.
False eyelashes
There are tools that facilitate the placement of magnetic strips on the eyelids.

Magnetic eyelashes are reused and reduce environmental pollution

Ultimately, magnetic lashes are an excellent reusable, inexpensive and time-saving alternative to older alternatives such as false eyelashes or extensions.

However, although they do not need glue, it is extremely important to follow the usage recommendations. To avoid infections and even prolong its life up to 30 times, it is convenient to follow the indications. Likewise, it is essential to apply them patiently and with clean hands.

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