Make Lemon Meringue Rolls With This Handy Recipe

Although the amount of ingredients and steps seems like a very laborious recipe, the truth is that the preparation of the lemon meringue roll is very simple and the result is spectacular.
Make lemon meringue rolls with this handy recipe

With this recipe we will show you how to prepare a lemon meringue roll. It is an interesting dessert that will please all guests thanks to its refreshing taste. This dish can be the perfect end to a meal with family or friends.

Lemon meringue roulade recipe

The lemon meringue roll is a dessert that we can prepare for a special occasion. However, as always, it is recommended to moderate the portions, as it contains fat, sugar and other ingredients that can exceed the recommended daily amounts of calories.

As a curiosity, it is worth noting that lemon concentrates bioactive compounds that promote health.  

To prepare this delicious lemon meringue roll recipe, we will need the following ingredients. With these proportions, we will be able to prepare 10 portions of this interesting dessert:

  • 6 eggs
  • ¼ cup of sugar (50 g)
  • 1 spoon of lemon zest (2 g)
  • ¾ cup of white or wholemeal flour (180 g)
  • ¼ cup of ground cookies (40 g)
  • ¼ cup of butter (60 g)
  • 1 ½ cup of cottage cheese (360 ml)
  • ½ can of condensed milk (120 g)
  • 1 cup of heavy cream (240 ml)
  • ¼ cup of lemon juice (62 ml)
  • 1 cup of blueberries (150 g)
  • 2 spoons of icing sugar (20 g)
  • 2 scoops of whipped cream (30 ml)
  • Lemon slices to decorate (to taste)
  • Absorbent kitchen paper
  • 1 tablespoon of oil (5 ml)

Preparing lemon meringue before baking

Despite the large amount of ingredients needed, they are not difficult to find. Likewise, the preparation of this lemon meringue is quite simple.

sicilian lemon
  1. First, preheat the oven to 180º C.
  2. While the oven heats up, break the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. First,  beat the egg whites together with the sugar  until the mixture approximately doubles in volume.
  3. Then  add the egg yolks to the sugar and continue beating  the mixture until everything integrates well and the preparation has completely changed color. After that, add the lemon zest little by little so that they don’t disappear too much.
  4. Once the mixture is ready, add the flour, crushed biscuits and butter.

This last ingredient should be completely melted and we should pour it over the whole mixture like a string, spiraling from the inside out, so that the butter is more evenly spread.

Lemon meringue roast

When all the previous mixture is ready, prepare a baking tin.

  • In this form, put the previous mixture, spread it well over the entire surface and bake it for 8 minutes.
  • To do this, grease it with a little oil, spreading it with a piece of absorbent paper.
  • After the oven time, the lemon meringue will have condensed and we will be able to separate it from the mold and place it on a cloth. Then roll it up while it’s still hot. 

Preparation of lemon filling

  • Once you get a homogeneous and well-integrated mixture, spread the preparation over the lemon meringue.
  • For this last step of the preparation, we must beat the curd for five minutes together with the condensed milk,  lemon juice and whipped cream.
  • Then add some lemon zest and blueberries, all of which are spread over the surface of the mixture. Once you’re done, roll it up and  let it cool in the fridge for 30 minutes. 

dessert decoration

Once the dessert is ready, we can serve it on a large plate and cut it into about ten slices. Some of the best options for decoration are to  sprinkle the icing sugar over the meringue,  and add the final two tablespoons of cream in the form of string across the surface.

squeezed lemon
  • We can also make roses with whipped cream, with the help of a pastry bag, or add some lemon slices on the sides or over the meringue. As an added touch, we can also add some strawberries, whose sweet touch will match perfectly with the sour flavor of the lemon.
  • Blackberries or any other type of red fruit will also go down well, which will accentuate the sour flavor of the dessert.

With this dessert, we will be able to surprise our guests. This lemon meringue roll is the result of a simple, practical and very fun recipe to prepare. It requires no more than two hours of preparation. 

It allows us to present a very surprising ending to any multi-person meal, and is a great way to showcase our cooking skills. We hope you enjoy this dessert, its mixture of acidic and sweet flavors and its pleasant texture.

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