Montessori Techniques For Channeling Children’s Anger And Nervousness

For the inventor and promoter of the Montessori method, emotion and socialization must go hand in hand. Parents play a key role in children’s development.

While it is true that Montessori techniques have always been both admired and criticized, they remain an interesting approach that we can use not only in the classroom, but also at the family level and in the daily education of our sons and daughters.   

On this occasion, we want to talk about the anger and those nervous outbursts in children that are so complicated to channel, control, and even understand.

One of the most useful concepts that Maria Montessori left us was that of sensitive periods. Children from birth to age 6 experience what are known as “windows of opportunity”.

These are times where they have some innate abilities to learn and to acquire certain skills and competences.

That’s when the best time opens to teach them to channel and understand this complex emotional world that is sometimes beyond their understanding.

Today, in our space, we will offer some very simple strategies.

Montessori Techniques for Channeling Children’s Anger and Nervousness

Everyone knows more or less how education is guided in places where Montessori pedagogy is applied.

Above all, an attempt is made to promote this autonomy in children, where they will be responsible for their learning through their curiosity and interaction with everything that the environment can provide.

Now, what many parents may ask is how Montessori pedagogy can help us in this closest and most primary environment, like our home.

After all, this is the immediate and closest environment where children receive the most basic educational guidelines.

Let’s look at some tips to reflect on that can serve us very well in managing those moments of hate or anger.

angry boy

Montessori techniques: socio-emotional education

Maria Montessori never spoke of education or emotional intelligence “dry”. For the famous pedagogue, emotion and socialization go hand in hand.  

When a child breaks out into a tantrum what he feels, above all, is that his social environment is not compatible with his expectations:

  • Can’t have what she wants, feels offended, upset about something or someone, is unable to delay a gratification…. This results in  tears, screams and kicks.
  • Emotions arise in that child’s socio-emotional context when interacting with other children or adults, and one aspect cannot be separated from the other.
  • While many criticize the Montessori method for offering children this supposed freedom and independence, we cannot forget something fundamental:

The adult is the guide, he encourages learning and, above all, he is a role model to imitate and follow.

  • The sensitive periods between birth and age 6 are a key time for us to be there to answer every question and pay attention to every emotion.

Montessori techniques: aspects that must be taken into account to guide the child’s emotional world

  • Do not despise any child’s words or conduct, much less compare it to another child. All this generates more hate.
  • Encourage the child to feel safe at all times, safe to talk to you, safe to dare to discover the world, to talk to other children, to play with respect, to trust, to create, etc…
  • Allow the child to make mistakes. Offer her advice, but let her correct her mistakes herself. Children need to do things for themselves to feel empowered and increase their self-esteem.  
  • When a child reveals anger or anger, there is something he cannot or cannot express and there is a fact in himself or in his immediate surroundings that we must know and understand.

For this reason, it is vital that, as parents, we guide them calmly and patiently. You should never overlook these expressions of anxiety or nervousness, especially if they are small. You must know its origin and offer strategies.

Montessori Techniques: Pots of Calm

In recent years, the use of so-called calm pots  to relieve stress and anxiety in children has become very popular  . However, it is necessary to clarify what they are, what their purpose is and how to use them.

Child with Calm Pot for Anger
  • Calm pots are a visual stimulus where the child can focus their attention for a few seconds, thanks to the movements of the glitter.
  • They must always be used with an adult.
  • We can, for example, take them to the child’s bed every day and, while he watches and moves him, we can ask how his day was, what worries him, what fears he has in his heart, things likes or dislikes, etc…
  • Let’s ask these questions correctly, without judgment, without this being a direct interrogation, but rather as a game where we promote emotional relief for our children.

The Calm Pot is a simple resource that can be of great help. If you want to do it yourself at home, don’t hesitate to visit our article on how to make a light bottle.

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