Muscle Spasms: Check Out The Natural Solutions

In addition to being great allies in aromatherapy to promote relaxation, lavender oil massages are very effective in relieving discomfort caused by muscle spasms.
Muscle Spasms: Check Out Natural Solutions

Muscle spasms can have a multitude of causes. Although we imagine what the triggers of these uncomfortable pains can be, in other situations we do not know the reasons.

So, in most cases, stress, muscle tension, falls, exercise, a wrong movement or even the flu can cause muscle damage, discomfort and weakness.

Home Remedies to Treat Muscle Spasms

It is possible to treat muscle spasms with home remedies

Natural products are ideal to take care of some ailments that arise in our body. If you want to know the best treatments or solutions to prevent both muscle pain and muscle spasms, stay with us.

1. Hot water

Warm or warm water is perfect for muscle relaxation. It is one of the most used home remedies thanks to its simplicity and effectiveness.

  • The ideal is to have a hot water bottle or compresses with cloths soaked in hot water. Applied to the affected area, it will help to stimulate blood circulation, so it will help to release muscle tension and inflammation.
  • You can also take advantage of the bath time to apply heat locally.

2. Rosemary sprigs

It is a very beneficial herb to treat and cure various conditions in the body. In this case, your infusion can help the inflammation to disappear: moisten a cloth in it and apply it to the region you want to treat.

  • If you get rosemary oil, you can apply it through gentle and firm massages to improve the problem.

3. Increase potassium consumption

Consume apples to increase potassium intake and relieve muscle spasms

A lack of potassium can cause severe muscle spasms. It is a valuable nutrient that will also prevent you from suffering from extremity cramps.

To avoid them, increase your consumption of foods rich in potassium. Banana is one of the most suitable. If you don’t like its taste, you can camouflage it in a juice or smoothie with other fruits. Always look for the seasonal ones and make the best combination for you.

4. Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has magnificent medicinal properties in addition to many other household uses. In this case, it is very effective in preventing pain and muscle spasms in the body. It is an ideal remedy to combat muscle tension.

  • To enjoy its benefits we can dip the affected area into a container with a mixture of water and two cups of vinegar (500 ml).
  • Another option is to apply gases or compresses impregnated in the mixture and let it act for 30 minutes.


Whenever we think of muscle discomfort, we think of ice cubes next. They are one of the great natural anti-inflammatories that we always get easy at home.

  • You can apply cold simply by wrapping a few ice cubes in a towel. Avoid applying ice directly under the skin as it can cause burns.
  • Then let the ice do its work for 15 minutes on the area. You can do this treatment 2-3 times a day, whenever you need it.

6. Valerian infusion

One of the most relaxing plants we find is valerian. You can prepare a valerian infusion to relax your body both physically and mentally.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of valerian (15 g)


  • First, add a tablespoon of valerian to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Then strain and drink.

The ideal is to take it at night before going to bed so that the body recovers during all night hours.

7. Lavender oil

Lavender oil can now be your best ally to fight muscle spasms. Like valerian, lavender has very relaxing properties, which is why it is also used in many air fresheners.

  • To use it, first get washed oil from a health food store (you can prepare it yourself if you wish).
  • Then apply to affected area and massage until absorbed.

As you can see, these recommendations are very basic, but at the same time very effective in treating and eliminating muscle spasms. Without a doubt, a very simple way to avoid pain and improve your quality of life.

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