My Big Secret: I Suffer From Anxiety

Anxiety is a disorder that many people suffer in silence, even though it affects their lives and relationships with others. Understanding anxiety sufferers is the first step in helping them to live without constantly suffering from it.
My big secret: I suffer from anxiety

There are many people who suffer from anxiety. A problem that affects a large part of the population, causing them great discomfort and making it impossible for them to carry out many of their daily tasks. But this state of anxiety sometimes doesn’t manifest itself in a “glaring” way.

People who have this problem may behave negatively towards others, and at times their actions may seem incomprehensible. That’s why you should try to understand what’s going on even if sometimes even anxious people don’t know.

Anxiety can be a real ordeal

We think that anxiety is something similar to stress: transient,  but that’s not true. The anxious person can live with this state for a time longer than enough to generate serious health problems.

The anxious person lives in a continual state of anguish. This anguish is something that constantly haunts her and, as much as she wants to, she can’t get rid of it. Therefore, many people who suffer from anxiety can be easily irritated.

Unfortunately, anxious people know that they are always waiting for something bad to happen to them, because at the moment they least expect it, terrible anxiety can arise.

Those who have never suffered from this problem can hardly put themselves in the anxious person’s shoes. In addition, anxiety is sometimes called “the silent epidemic,” according to research published in the journal Psicologia Científica.

People who suffer from this problem live a real ordeal because, in most cases, they do not know what is happening to them, or why. It’s something that can be the result of an event that happened many years ago, or an accumulation of things. In any case, they need help.

They need help

Even though there are illnesses that we cannot identify just by looking at the person (this is not just anxiety, but depression as well), we must be understanding and try to help in some way.

Here’s some advice that can be helpful in helping people who suffer from anxiety (and others around them):

  • Be compassionate: Sometimes we should just be together, let the other person know they can count on us if they need to at any point.
  • Understand that the anxious person cannot escape: no matter how much he wants to, the person with anxiety cannot escape from himself. It is trapped, cornered, and that is something we must understand.
  • Even the simplest thing saturates them : it’s not that they are easily stressed or blocked, it’s that they’re so overloaded that anything, no matter how simple, will saturate.
  • They can’t explain what happens to them, mainly because sometimes anxiety doesn’t have a clear reason behind it. Therefore, we must not believe that what they feel is not something real, because it is.
  • They are preoccupied with ridiculous things: yes, with things that you will think are nonsense, but for them they are not!
  • Recommend that the person suffering from anxiety seek professional help: Whenever possible, the best recommendation for anxiety sufferers is to seek help from a mental health professional.

When your mind is your biggest enemy

It is difficult to put yourself in the anxious person’s shoes, but we must make a great effort to understand them and offer our help as much as we can. It’s not easy and sometimes we won’t understand it.

Have you ever been in contact with a depressed person? Like people with anxiety, they sometimes show bad behavior towards others, causing them to withdraw. In fact, they don’t want it, but they are suffering so much that they express their discomfort in such an inappropriate way.

When we have a problem in our mind that we cannot control, it turns against us. Anxiety, as we stated earlier, is very difficult to resolve. It is also difficult to identify its origin as sometimes the cause lies in the past.

Whether you have suffered from anxiety or if someone close to you is suffering, you will now know that it is something you live with in secret and in silence. The person who suffers does not understand much of what is happening either, but he needs all your help to be able to overcome this problem.

Note: if you think you need help, remember that you can always see a psychologist. The professional will be able to offer a therapy according to your case.

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