Natural Cough Remedies

Both children and adults sometimes have colds or flu, and one of the many uncomfortable symptoms of these illnesses is the cough, which bothers not only those who are suffering from it, but also those around.
Natural Cough Remedies

Today we want to talk about treatments to ease and stop coughing and, in addition, we will be focusing on homemade syrups, one of the most effective natural cough remedies for people of all ages.

So, follow the matter and learn how to prepare them at home and get rid of this problem at once.

Natural Cough Remedies

Some plants (or herbs) are ideal and fully indicated as natural remedies for cough, especially in cases of persistent cough. Let’s look at some examples:

  • Rosemary

  • Cress

  • Eucalyptus

  • Mint

Rosemary, in addition to having a unique aroma, has antiseptic properties, which made its use very widespread in various episodes of epidemics.

In addition, watercress has tonic and stimulant properties and also acts as an expectorant in chronic pulmonary catarrh.

Eucalyptus also has antiseptic, bactericidal and viral properties. Therefore, its action is decongestant and expectorant.

Mint has a calming effect, is anesthetic, and also prevents the formation of mucus in the airways. In addition, eucalyptus, mint, watercress and rosemary are great options for treating coughs.

insistent cough

Fruits that help cure coughs

Some fruits like pineapple, lemon and pomegranate are excellent for treating coughs. These fruits, combined with honey, work as natural remedies for coughs and, in addition, help fight colds and flu.

Pineapple Syrup Recipe

Now, check out a very simple recipe and prepare one of the natural cough remedies at home.


  • 500 ml of bee honey;

  • 1 medium pineapple.

Way of preparing:

Peel the pineapple and cut into small pieces. Together with the honey, bring to the fire and simmer for 3 minutes. Then strain and drink throughout the day.

pineapple syrup

Benefits of natural cough syrups

Cough syrups work by fighting the flu virus and its symptoms. But they also treat allergic cough. This type of cough is usually worse because it aggressively attacks the airways due to exposure to polluted environments.

In addition, cough syrups are also good for children, and in children the cough starts with a common cold and a dry cough, which progressively increases with bouts of coughing and heavy breathing.

100% natural recipe

There is a recipe made with honey and a vegetable well known to Brazilians, which works efficiently to fight coughs.

Way of preparing:

Grate 3 carrots and add a glass of water. Add half a glass of honey and heat for 15 minutes. This natural syrup can be taken several times a day.


Depending on the type of problem a person is facing, it is not enough to use syrups, it is also necessary to seek a good doctor.

Diabetics should avoid syrups as they contain a lot of sugar.

Images provided by briiblog, dennoir and -.Jill_.

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