Natural Remedies For Cracking Hands

Rose petals are recommended for the care of sensitive, dry or age-altering skin. Rosehip is healing and very moisturizing.

The skin on the hands suffers aggression from the weather, certain types of work, products that are aggressive to the skin, etc. When cracks on your hands appear, it’s not just an aesthetic issue, as if left untreated, they can get worse.

Next, we’ll introduce you to natural remedies and homemade creams to treat cracks in your hands, as well as redness, itchiness, cracking, and any other problem with the skin on your hands.

Foods that improve circulation

These are truly medicinal foods and, among their properties, is to improve circulation and, consequently, improve the skin on the hands.

  • Garlic: we recommend eating raw garlic or using the Tibetan garlic cure.
  • Cayenne Pepper: Add a pinch of cayenne to food, without overdoing it, as tolerance to spicy foods depends on each person’s digestive system.
  • Ginger: Ginger also provides a spicy but milder flavor. We can eat it grated, infusion, chopped and added to our meals, etc.
  • Chestnut honey : all honey is medicinal, but depending on which plant it originated, it will have different properties. The chestnut helps to improve circulation.
garlic for the cracks in the hands

On the other hand, it is essential to avoid the consumption of salt, as it dehydrates and devitalizes our skin.

Skin Supplements

We must keep in mind that the skin is especially nourished by vitamins A, C and E.

As for minerals, selenium is essential for the skin, together with vitamin B6. It is advisable to take this vitamin as a supplement in the morning, since at night, it could affect sleep. You can also find it in whole grains.

And finally, silicon gives the skin the flexibility it needs to protect itself against external aggression.

Medicinal plants

  • Ginkgo biloba: This medicinal plant has many properties for different diseases. One is to bring oxygen to the extremities, improving circulation. Therefore, it is very useful to improve hand circulation. We can take an infusion, at least three times a day, or even as an extract, for three months. Then we will take a break for a few weeks or months and, depending on the results, we can repeat the treatment.
  • Witch Hazel: This shrub is astringent, that is, it helps to contract tissues, dry wounds, relieve burns, etc. We can use it internally or externally, taking infusions or extracts, or applying infusions or essential oil.
  • Horse Chestnut: The bark of this tree has important properties to protect the skin and can also be used internally or externally.

Homemade pink and lemon cream for cracking hands

We can prepare natural and homemade creams, free of toxic substances and much more economical:

Marinate for a week 20 grams of rose petals and five grams of lemon rind in 30 ml of olive oil. Let stand and filter the prepared liquid. It should be stored in a dark, dry place and applied twice a day to the area to be treated.


Aloe vera and rosehip gel for cracking hands

This ointment is very easy to prepare. You just need to mix the aloe vera gel (natural or purchased) together with rosehip oil. Both are healing, very nourishing and regenerating.

This gel can also be used to smooth out wrinkles on the skin.

Alternative Baths for Hand Cracks

Without a doubt, the most economical way to improve hand circulation is to perform alternative hand baths with cold and hot water.

Use two containers and alternate hands for 15 seconds in cold water and 30 seconds in hot water, for at least 5 minutes.

Finish with hot water, rub your hands gently with a towel and, if desired, apply the natural ointment we had prepared, or even the olive or sesame oil.

Homeopathic Remedies for Cracks in Hands

Homeopathy is a very useful and effective natural medicine.

  • The homeopathic remedy Calcium Fluoratum 6CH provides elasticity to the skin.
  • If the cracks are chronic, prefer the Petroleum 6CH remedy .
  • If the cracks have a yellow crust, use Graphites 6CH.

Based on the chosen remedy, place three tablets under the tongue, three times a day, separate from meals, drinks and strong and minty flavors (chewing gum, toothpaste, etc.).

Take a treatment for 3 to 6 months. For this type of treatment, consult a homeopathic physician.


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