Natural Treatment For Lumbago

The lumbago or low back pain usually resolves within 3 to 7 days. Physical exercise is positive and is associated with a lower frequency of problems in this region of the body.

Lumbago or low back pain is pain in the lumbar vertebrae, the lower back, that occurs for a variety of reasons and can affect the muscles, ligaments, nerves and intervertebral discs. 

Lumbago attacks are characterized by pain, stiffness, and/or reduced movement. They can last a few days or become a chronic disorder, considerably affecting, therefore, the quality of life of the person suffering from it. We will explain the possible causes and natural remedies to prevent and alleviate lumbago.

Possible causes

Lumbago can be caused by several reasons, such as:

  • Muscle tensions and compensations;
  • Spine deviations (lordosis, scoliosis);
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Intervertebral disc hernias;
  • Arthritis  and arthrosis;
  • Stress and emotional burdens;
  • Constipation and intestinal problems (which reverberate in the posterior area).

It is important to consider that if the lumbago does not improve within three days at most, a doctor should be consulted, as the problem may be related to more serious illnesses. The doctor will confirm whether it is lumbago with X-rays or MRIs.

Anti-inflammatory food

While you are suffering from the lumbago attack, it is essential to eat in a balanced way. Foods that aggravate inflammation should be avoided  , such as dairy products, white sugar, red meat and refined flour.

In their place, then, consume foods that contribute to disinflammation daily, such as the following:

  • Natural fruit and vegetable juices (carrots, beets, celery)
  • red pepper
  • Chia seeds        
  • Nuts
  • Green tea
  • Ginger
  • Pineapple
  • Papaya
  • Broccoli
Beetroot and chia for lumbago

local heat

The lower back is an area of ​​the body that cools down easily, so you can warm it with an electric blanket, a hot water bottle or even covering it with a fleece blanket. 

Another option is to apply the shower spray directly to your lower back. Gradually increase the temperature to the maximum heat you can withstand without getting burned. Move the jet from side to side for 2 to 4 minutes. However, it is more effective if you do the process sitting down.

It is important, however, to take into account that this treatment should be avoided in cases of sciatica and hernias.

medicinal plants to drink

The medicinal plants that will help us to deflame and remineralize are mackerel and sarsaparilla. Prepare a liter of infusion daily with both plants. Add some lemon juice and a little stevia to sweeten it. Then drink throughout the day.

Plants for low back pain

clay plasters

Clay is an excellent, economical and simple remedy for any type of inflammation.

First, prepare a plaster by mixing warm water with green or red clay until you obtain a paste that can be applied without running, which stays compact on the skin of the entire lower back .

Cover the area with gauze or cloth and also with a thick woolen cloth to keep it warm. Leave it on for at least half an hour, but you can leave it on overnight too. When you remove the cloth, the clay will be dry. It will  absorb toxins, bring minerals to the body and, most importantly, reduce inflammation.


Arnica is the plant that athletes use to prevent and heal injuries, therefore, very useful in any case. We will find the plant in the form of extract, cream, homeopathy, among others. You can combine your topical and oral use.

If you decide to take homeopathy, the remedy is Arnica Montana 9CH. Place three balls under your tongue three times a day. Do this away from strong, minty meals, drinks and flavors such as gum, toothpaste or the like.

rosemary vinegar for lumbago

It will help to mobilize the circulation and, thus, it will be very useful to massage the painful areas with rosemary vinegar. We can prepare it at home by soaking a few sprigs of rosemary in a glass bottle with vinegar.

Cupping or cupping therapy

This technique is an ancient therapeutic method that was employed in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

It consists of using a kind of glass cup that makes a vacuum effect when sticking to the body. It will suck the skin and part of the muscle, while opening the pores and moving the blood and lymph circulation.

In this way, the area is de-inflamed and relieved of pain within 10 or 15 minutes. Even though we can go to a therapist, what is certain is that we can purchase a batch of suckers and make them at home.

Images provided by Food Thinkers and uteart

Hopefully the tips have been helpful for you. However, be sure to consult the doctor, because he will know how to advise on the appropriate treatment for each case.

In the next articles, more tips for your health and well-being. So, stay tuned to our page.

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